Sounds Like A Good Time Was Had, By ALL ......


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
....Especially the fact-checkers!!!
Holy SHIT.....that lard-ass is STILL TALKIN'!!!!!
It's gotta be an extended version o' his greatest hits.
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Blackadder-the-third-blackadder-11211221-500-339[1].webp I guess the OP is still used to Biden's 5 minute speeches

Pretty-much the same, exact length of Spanky's speeches....when you eliminate everything he repeats.

Language and Leaders: Trump, Castro, and Stalin
January 9, 2020
"Presidunce Spankys impeachment proceedings focused on his abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. He was not impeached for bad language, which, as we know, is protected by the First Amendment. Yet, any leader in America who sounds a lot like Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin probably should be impeached on a language violation, or at minimum, strongly censured.

Spanky has recently resorted to referring to his political enemies (the Democrats) as “scum.” When he made this verbal assault — and he has said it more than once — I thought, “Where have I heard this before?” I answered my own question with two memorable words: Fidel Castro.
Castro, who ruled Cuba from 1959 until (essentially) his death a little more than three years ago, used that word frequently in his
long, undisciplined, unscripted speeches in Havana."