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I had a revelation the other day after finishing my post.  It actually shocked me, which is rare given that nutty stuff you get on forums.   This is for everyone's consideration.


Me and USHadIT, have been discussing his socialized health care in Canada.  I correctly pointed out the vast numbers of pregnant women shuffled to the US for care because their native hospitals were unable to service them.   Even telling them that their pregnancy were not viable, a polite way of saying, your child is going to die.   After this, they end up in US hospitals that not only have the space to accept them as patients, but also save the life of the child.

Meanwhile, USHadIT has only had about two nails to bang on.  One, a report by a group of socialists who give ratings on health care systems that most, if not all, have never actually used or been treated by.  Ratings which value how socialized the system is, over it's actual effectiveness or the opinions of those who have had to use it.

The second is the infant mortality rate that Canada has that's better than the US.   Now I correctly pointed out that there are cultural differences that effect this rating, more than the quality of the health care system.


Then it hit me.   Their system is sending their mothers, to our hospitals, to save their children.   Do you get what this means?    Just think it through...

He keeps using the infant mortality rating to say his system is better... which sends their mothers to our hospitals... which saves the lives of their children... which improves their infant mortality rating... which they say proves their system is better... which sends their mothers to our hospitals... which save the lives of their children...

Are you catching that???   WE... the U.S.A... OUR system... makes their system look good!  It is because of US... that they have a as good a rating that they do.   Think about it in reverse... if we did not exist, if there was just water between Mexico and Canada, all those hundreds of babies we saved, would have just DIED in Canada.   Their rating would be worse... if not for us!

Yet they claim it proves their system is better.  What a joke.


If you look through the past 20 posts you'll also notice another trend.  Even though he claimed repeatedly how greedy our Capitalist system was, he constantly used 'cost' as a reason their system was better.   He said over and over, it's free here, I don't pay anything, it costs me nothing.  Over and over again, the money issue was raised as a reason his system was better.

Which one of us is motivated by money then?  The one willing to pay for the services he gets (me)?  Or the one repeatedly demanding he be serviced for free (him)?

To me, the greed motivation clearly shows up with the one constantly talking about not wanting to pay for it.
