Here is all that needs to be done:
1) Eliminate government regulation that prevents insurance companies from selling across state lines. This will result in private competition for people and drive prices down.
2) Give tax breaks back to individual people for buying directly from these insurance companies. When people can buy their own policies early in life and keep it for the duration, pre-existing conditions will not be as big a deal as they are now.
We do not need a government option, we need government to let the private options actually compete.
Agreed. Since the Democrats in Congress and PBO have now deemed that the insurance companies are the real villain. Right.
I'd see a bit of difference:
1) Eliminate FEDERAL regulation as stated. Encourage STATES to establish insurance review/rating boards made up of average policy-holding citizens. Encourage organizational co-ops (like your credit union, where you can buy "group" auto insurance en masse with other credit unions nationwide).
2) Tax breaks, but expand HSAs and tax deduction for medical expenses beyond HSAs. The current tax restrictions on medical deductions is onerous, and easily remedied. The benefit to the tax payer could be astounding.
3) Replace existing Fed regulations with things actually helpful and/or necessary. For instance, look at the issue of pre-existing conditions. That is one of a few things that could be "legislated guidelines/requirements", a list of items to ensure health care insurance for anyone wanting it, but finding it impossible under the current system.
4) Torte reform. It is going to be an unavoidable issue, and should be handled separately from elimination of current restrictions and availability reform. Torte reform has worked in the states that have implemented it, in spite of the other problems remaining that only can be resolved by the other steps being needed. Done on a national scale along with other enhancements to the health care system and insurance system would have significant results.
It is amazing that PBO continues to spout the need for government involvement to ensure competition. Removing the restrictions of interstate availability, as you stated, would provide all the competition needed.