Single Mom, Sorry: Is it Ever OK to Leave an Excuse Instead of a Tip?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Waiters and waitresses are up in arms over a restaurant receipt posted on Reddit, for which a customer used her status as a single parent to avoid leaving a tip.

The $138.35 was paid with a Visa credit card, but in the space for a gratuity, someone simply wrote, "single mom sorry." And, at the bottom of the bill, a compliment: "Thank you it was great."


"I'm sure $140 could have gotten you and your kids a week's worth of groceries, but instead you spend it on one meal?!" PhoenixSongFawkes, who posted a photo of the receipt on Reddit, wrote. "For shame!"

I dont pay tips. Cause the state government robs me on sales taxes. But i do tip stadium ushers cause sales taxes arent added on tickets. Samething why i dont tip amtrak conductors or airline stewartess cause they add taxes and fees on my ticket. So next time ill write on the tip,Sales Tax,,Blame the governor
Waiting tables is hard work. I did it when my husband was laid-off. You get below minimum wage (after they deduct tip credits and uniform costs). I depended on tips to help pay the bills.
Yeah thats why from now on im in gonna write sales tax in as an excuse. Maybe people will start talking about stop voting for democrats who support sales taxes. Yeah democrats are for unions,Teachers and working people. But they stand up for raising and creating new taxes,Theyre Anti death penalty and pro abortion. Republicans are against taxes and theyre for death penalty and theyre for the wealthy. So if rather want liberals taxing you let criminals run wild and let women kill their babies you go rather ahead and vote for them!
most of the TEA Party is in favor of a consumption tax. you know, another sales tax.

plenty of sin to go around where it comes to taxes. no point in shitting on wait staff just because of that.
Odds seem good this turns out to be fake.

I never leave less than 20% on a tip -- unless the service is bad, in which case I leave $0.00 and write a note that the service was bad -- but it has to be really bad -- only done that a few times my whole life.
Odds seem good this turns out to be fake.

I never leave less than 20% on a tip -- unless the service is bad, in which case I leave $0.00 and write a note that the service was bad -- but it has to be really bad -- only done that a few times my whole life.

it does seem a little bit out there but I can believe there is probably some damn fool who would do it. might have been Madonna for example. I have declined to tip on occasion as well if given cause. I have become less of a cheapskate on tipping in my old age though but over 20% ? cant do that.
most of the TEA Party is in favor of a consumption tax. you know, another sales tax.

plenty of sin to go around where it comes to taxes. no point in shitting on wait staff just because of that.

No theyre not. They are TAXED ENOUGH! They want Tax freeze and stop spending.
And Taxes are volentary it says it the consitution but todays courts will never agree with that. It all started with FDR who created the I.R.S back in 1936. He said taxes are like paying you dues to club freedom. It took guts for an handicapped president to do this. Like Steven Colbert says boycott the dime,, Dont use the dime for example if somthing cost 1.43 use a quarter 3 nickels and 3 pennies. Thats how you speak out against the man.
No theyre not. They are TAXED ENOUGH! They want Tax freeze and stop spending.
And Taxes are volentary it says it the consitution but todays courts will never agree with that. It all started with FDR who created the I.R.S back in 1936. He said taxes are like paying you dues to club freedom. It took guts for an handicapped president to do this. Like Steven Colbert says boycott the dime,, Dont use the dime for example if somthing cost 1.43 use a quarter 3 nickels and 3 pennies. Thats how you speak out against the man.

it is true that what is illegal is a) not filing your taxes or b) filing knowingly inaccurate information. not paying is not illegal.
Now i really have an excuse for not tipping my waitress. My excuse,,,You voted for Obama

I would not even stiff a waitress if she were dumb enough to have voted for O.

But if she voted for O AND delivered bad service I might stiff her for the bad service and let her think it was for voting for O by writing something about obamacare on the check.
50% of American Voters are mostly minorites and women. Thats what the ACLU represents women and minorites not equal rights. Thats why i would stiff her. You see Mitt worked hard trying to get elected they didnt even listen to him. They had their minds all made up and choose to vote for Obama. So if youre stupid enough to vote for him,Then im smart enough not to give you a percentage on gratuity.
Waiting tables is hard work. I did it when my husband was laid-off. You get below minimum wage (after they deduct tip credits and uniform costs). I depended on tips to help pay the bills.

I always leave a tip for good service.
If they are busy--I don't expect too much, I am considerate as well.
But never leave a tip for bad service--unless that is what you enjoy.

But--if you can afford a $140 tab--you can afford a tip.
THIS--is the kind of society democrats want to build.
They talk a good game--and then come to someone else for cash.
The want "the rich" to pay.
Parasites is what they are.

Study SEIU.
My mother was a waitress when I was a little kid. She taught me to tip better than normal. I always round up and usually double what we are expected to. But I don’t think I should have to or be shamed into doing it. I do it because I want to and because I was taught to by my mom.

I think it was nice of the lady to leave a message in the tip section and I think it was extra nice for her to take the time to write Great Service. It kind of shocked me to see how many people felt it was her duty or she was in the wrong for not tipping. It makes me more angry that the waitress was upset at the excuse and no tip instead of grateful for the kind words at the bottom of the bill than it does the girl didn’t leave a tip.
But i dont tip stupidity. I really felt Obama was gonna lose. I really felt good of Mitt chances to win like High unemployment. Now how can people reward failure? Go ask your teacher to give you a diploma when you fail math class. Go tell my ex Boss i should become a supervisor when im not the best employee. Thats as stupid as it gets. So now why you should reward Obama failure with unemployment is down and everything is so expensive? So therefor you get NO TIP! Cause you voted FOR FAILURE!