Yes they do. Im not a trump fan but when it comes to between him and clinton or Biden its easy to pick him
I find that anyone who loves America but doesn't love the job Trump did as POTUS usually doesnt know how great a job he did.
Do you know that his sanctions are what Zelensky credited with preventing the Russian invasion?
Do you know that Trump acted as though he was going to withdraw the U.S. from NATO as a way to persuade the laggard members to become current on their required GDP Military investments?
That Trump warned European countries not to buy their energy from Russia as far back as 2018 because he saw what Putin might do, and that is exactly what Putin did.
Do you know that when he said he would bring back the jobs from overseas and when Obama mocked him and said he would need a "Magic Wand" to bring the jobs back, Obama had to eat his words because Trump brought back the jobs?
Do you know that when his critics complain about the $$$ his administration spent, it was to make our military strong and updated enough to enable U.S. to stand up to any foreign foe?
Do you realize that the massive Deep State and nationwide corruption crime wave was not on ANYONE'S radar screen or list of campaign talking points. But Trump SAW the criminals preying on U.S. and without any help from anyone else, TRUMP sprang into action and, teeth bared, took them all on.
FOR U.S.!!!
And what did the despicable Dems do?
They helped the crooks and assailed our only champion.
They shot the guard dog trying to protect us.
He has been MAGNIFICENT.