Today the Senate Democrats tried to present a bill that increased payroll taxes, to offset a reduction in the interest rates students would pay on future Student Loans.
Senate Republicans successfully filibustered the tax-increase bill and defeated it.
This clears the way for a Republican-written bill that cancels the interest rate increase written by Democrats, without the tax increase now demanded by those same Democrats. This bill has already passed the House, and is being held up by Senate Democrats. It pays for the cost of doing away with the Democrats' interest-rate increase, by using money from a slush fund Democrats had inserted into the Obamacare bill instead.
On the off chance that this real Student Loan Interest Reduction Bill gets defeated like the Democrats' Tax Increase bill just was, can we expect the White House and the Senate Democrats to be equally up in arms over it, choking on their outrage over students' getting an increase in the interest they will pay on their Student Loans?
GOP ignores veto threat, passes student loan bill
Published: 4/27 3:21 pm
Updated: 4/27 3:22 pm
WASHINGTON (WSYR-TV/AP) -- Republicans ignored a veto threat and overcame a rebellion by party conservatives to push a bill through the House Friday keeping interest rates on millions of federal student loans from doubling this summer.
Lawmakers voted 215-195 to approve a bill that has become an election-year battle between the two parties over helping families in a persistently ailing economy. The measure sparked debate over women's health issues, too. Republicans Ann Marie Buerkle and Richard Hanna were among the 215 to approve the bill
The White House and most Democrats opposed the $5.9 billion bill because of how Republicans covered the costs: eliminating a preventive health care fund in President Barack Obama's health care law. They say the program mostly benefits women, while Republicans call it a loosely controlled slush fund.