Seattle pays the price for violating the constitutional rights of a pastor by arresting him for reading the Bible in public

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Mistakes get made good thing you desperately searched for this crucial national story lol
Every time 'mistakes' are uncovered that unjustly benefit democrats the democrats automatically claim the cheating was a simple honest mistake and not deliberate voting fraud.
Ungodly democrat hedonists foolishly think their fascist leftist views should dictate government treatment of Christians, but the wicked bozos are wrong. 9-15-24

Seattle pastor arrested for reading the Bible receives monetary damages in court victory
How much was she awarded by the court?
This fool went to a rally of pro choice people and started making a pest of himself by preaching to people who had no desire to hear him. This did not take place in a church, but in a public park.

Any half well written article would tell us how much he was awarded. This was, however, NOT a well written article.

From time to time, I ride the bus here in Miami and there are a couple of preacher types who get on the bus and stand in the aisle and loudly preach. One in Spanish and another in a mix of English and Creole. It is easy to see that the other passengers find these guys either annoying or comical. No one ever says "Amen!".
There is no right to disrupt a group of people by preaching or peddling unwanted crap.
Should supporters of mass-murdering terrorist Arabs be allowed to stand on streets and bullhorn-blast anti-American vile and burn American flags? Do Christian pastors or evangelists have any right to preach on streets in the US?