School officials supported the WOC LGBTQ BLM propagandist teacher's woke indoctrination of 1st graders but judge shut the scam down

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Modern devotees of the satanic religion of black racist transgenderism are propagating their evil religion in public schools everywhere, with far too few objections from parents.

Court Shuts Down BLM Teacher Trying To Force Trans Ideologies On Kids
By James Conrad|October 12, 2024

Court Shuts Down BLM Teacher Trying To Force Trans Ideologies On Kids

One of the many problems that America is facing today is the liberal indoctrination of children in our schools. The woke left has completely taken over the American education system.

With no regard for what it’s doing to our children, liberals are now using schools to attempt to create a new generation of radical leftists. Thankfully, a federal court in Pennsylvania is now pushing back on this in a big way.

Megan Williams is a first-grade teacher who forced her 6 and 7-year-old students to “observe” so-called Transgender Awareness Day. This Black Lives Matter activist subjected these small children to non-curricular propaganda about “gender identity” and sex changes.

Williams disturbingly went so far as to tell these kids that their “parents ma[d]e a guess whether they’re a boy or a girl” and may have been wrong. Parents complained, but Williams was backed by her school principal and superintendent.