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Thanks to dimwitted leftwing tampering with the housing market.

Just showing what an economics ***** you are - a vibrant economy needs huge taxes - right? :D

The rising health care costs are ALL due to (surprise surprise) irrational leftwing government policies, as I have carefully pointed out.

You know why?  BECAUSe NO AMOUNT of MONEY is EVER enough for leftwing f__Ks - the more that's available, the more you spend.  WHEN have leftwingers ever said "let's use revenue to retire the debt."? :D

You were deaf - conservatives complained about RINO Bush spending the whole time.

Once again, the stupidest myth out there, puked up. :rolleyes: The House of representatives, where spending bills originate, was controlled for six of eight years of Bubba's presidency - THAT'S what stopped the spending.  The president doesn't set taxes einstein - congress does.
