San Francisco’s Assessor Launches Parking Ticket Revolt


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) – Thousands of people have signed San Francisco Assessor Phil Ting’s petition to stop excessive ticket writing.

If you’re tired of getting parking tickets in San Francisco you aren’t alone. An online petition called the “Tear Up Unfair Ticket Plan” has received over 2,000 electronic signatures since it was posted last Friday by Ting.

Ting, who is running for mayor, got fed up when he learned that parking control officers have been told to step up their ticket writing because the city needs more revenue.

”We don’t think that you close the revenue gap by writing more tickets, that’s number one,” said Ting.

Ting says government should find more honest, straightforward ways to raise revenue, for example reworking Proposition 13, which stabilized property taxes for long-time homeowners and business.

”Right now, we’re kind of doing this backhanded situation where we’re not going to let you have a vote on how to raise revenues, we’re just going to write more tickets.

Now you see why i hate the Police? And Get this they dont have to Protect you.