Rush is Right...


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Somewhere Nice usual.

Notice how BO was slow to comment on the X-mas bomber, the sub-human Ft. Hood Islamic murderer ("shout out to my Indian buddy"), Afghanistan, and the revolutionaries in Iran. But, not a disaster in a third world country. Maybe he will make Haiti the 58th state and immediately make all Haitians Democrat voters.

Rush 'meant' what he said about Haiti
Rush Limbaugh is not backing down from his claim that President Barack Obama is trying to score political points off the earthquake in Haiti.

Challenged by a caller during his show Thursday, Limbaugh said: “If I said it, I meant to say it, and I do believe that everything is political to this president.”

“Everything this president sees is a political opportunity, including Haiti, and he will use it to burnish his credentials with minorities in this country and around the world, and to accuse Republicans of having no compassion,” Limbaugh said in comments flagged by the liberal blog Think Progress.

“What I’m illustrating here is that you’re a blockhead,” Limbaugh shot back. “What I’m illustrating here is that you’re a close-minded bigot who is ill-informed.”

“If you had listened to this program for a modicum of time, you would know it,” he said. “But instead, you’re a blockhead. Your mind is totally closed. You have tampons in your ears. Nothing is getting through other than the biased crap that you read.”


Or it could just be that with 50,000 dead and rising and more going to die through disease and violence and god knows what else the US, as the local superpower, is doing what the rest of the world is doing and helping?

Well yes it could. But, I suspect every thing BO does is political in nature. Just like most corrupt politicians.
Or it could just be that with 50,000 dead and rising and more going to die through disease and violence and god knows what else the US, as the local superpower, is doing what the rest of the world is doing and helping?

WTH are you thinking...that just doesn't fly with the 'WE HATE OBAMA' crowd and it wouldn't have mattered if he had sent Air-force 1 to aide and assist with his personal staff on board to hand deliver any and all aide that they could...the "WE HATE OBAMA" crowd will just continue to do the HAIL MARY'S at the alter of RUSH THE LIMBAUGH KING of all vile/hateful things.

So allow them to spew/vent their spleen they have nothing but revenge and discontent to nurture :cool:
Well yes it could. But, I suspect every thing BO does is political in nature.
..... true but he's also a world leader with the resources of one of the largest countries in the world at his beck and call so he can hardly give the Haitians the gallic shrug and say "tough luck chaps its your mess go wallow in it!"

Yer man did the right thing!

Better than the UK we sent 4 firemen...:rolleyes:
WTH are you thinking...that just doesn't fly with the 'WE HATE OBAMA' crowd and it wouldn't have mattered if he had sent Air-force 1 to aide and assist with his personal staff on board to hand deliver any and all aide that they could...the "WE HATE OBAMA" crowd will just continue to do the HAIL MARY'S at the alter of RUSH THE LIMBAUGH KING of all vile/hateful things.

So allow them to spew/vent their spleen they have nothing but revenge and discontent to nurture :cool:

Oh gosh, thanks Dorothy for the reminder...I almost forgot...

Hail Rush, full of grace
Our Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among all Americans...

Now say that 20 times. Okay?
Oh gosh, thanks Dorothy for the reminder...I almost forgot...

Hail Rush, full of grace
Our Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among all Americans...

Now say that 20 times. Okay?

No-No...I'll leave that to you and your 'KIND'...I don't HAIL MARY ANYONE and I sure wouldn't to be lead around by the nose by the likes of that SUPER LAW BRAKING...PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSER...HATE MONGER that seems to fascinate the lessor thinking crowds ;)