Rod Serling; Cultural-Visionary!

Yep, he was certainly allowed many a freedom on his show and quite the visionary about shows that would become a 'HOT TOPIC' in today's daily discussions...wonder what drug he was taking :cool:
I don't think you can put "activism" into a pill.....​

"He believed that the role of the writer was to "menace the public conscience."​

He (just) happened to be a beneficiary of good-parenting.​

"I'm not a good Jew, but I think I'm a good person. If you want to be very religious, that's up to you. My own philosophy is, I take people for what they are, not where they go to pray." - Samuel Serling

Between the Rod Serling 'Twilight Zone' Special today and the 3 Stooges Classics last evening...the unpleasantness of being snowed in with 5' drifts hasn't been to unbearable...NO, not at all :cool:
Just keep repeating...."Everything's temporary."..."Everything's temporary."..."Everything's temporary."...

The days have been getting LONGER, since DECEMBER 22!!!!!!!
