Ricky Gervais

This is both brilliant and funny.
Let there be light!
From where? From what? perhaps it's time to create the Sun, hunh?
This is both brilliant and funny.
Let there be light!
From where? From what? perhaps it's time to create the Sun, hunh?
It makes such a mockery of the shit they believe but that is the point. The idiots believe it then devote their lives to it expecting eternity. They're brain dead.
What if Heaven turns out to be like the Emerald City of Oz, ruled by a fraudster who pretends to be all powerful?
They are adamant in following the Yellow Brick Road.
What if there is no Emerald City, No wizard, and the Yellow Brick Road ends in a precipice. You skip along and then there is the End, and all you can do is go "Aaaaaaaaahh!