Now I know I've been hard on John McCain but when someone tries to better themselves it probably is note worthy.
Media reports 8/13/08: United States Senator John McCain recently bought a PC. It was described as a HP standard desk top. Senator McCain having some minor problems with the included start up manual called 24 hour HP support helpline and proceeded as follows.
Tech support: Good morning HP helpline how can I be of assistance?
McCain: Why do you suppose I called? I want this damn thing you sold me to work.
Tech support:: Yes sir! First plug in the modem to the power strip.
McCain: Modem... modem...
Tech support: The big box sir.
McCain: Got it!
Tech support: Now, do you see the big lit up button on the big box, should be green?
McCain: Yes! Yes!
Tech support: OK good now go ahead and push that in.
McCain: Fine it's in!
Tech support: OK the monitor... huh, the thing that looks like a little TV, it should be on now... is it on?
McCain: YES! YES!
Tech support: OK now push any key.
McCain: Hmm.... Hmmm.... Hmmmm.... Dammit!
Tech support: Sir did you push any key?
McCain: Sonny, I don't know if you think you're being funny but you can kiss my a$$.
Tech support: Sir... whaaaaat's the problem?
McCain: You know damn well what the problem is you smart Aleck son of a *****!!! You know damn well there's no "ANY" key button anywhere! You FREAKIN FOREIGNER!!!