Reid apologizes for 'no Negro dialect' comment


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
What a stupid thing to say!

I didn't remember him having said it, but he has apologized now.

Does that make it all better?

Or does it make Reid sound like an idiot still?


WASHINGTON – The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate apologized on Saturday for comments he made about Barack Obama's race during the 2008 presidential bid and are quoted in a yet-to-be-released book about the campaign.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
He must resign as leader just as Trent Lott did for much less.

Why are we finding out about this quote just now? Could the lib MSM have buried it until now? Would they have buried such a remark made by an R?
What a stupid thing to say!

I didn't remember him having said it, but he has apologized now.

Does that make it all better?

Or does it make Reid sound like an idiot still?

I don't think any of us would have known about this had it not been an interesting 'HOT ITEM' that would be in that printed book {soon to be released}. What an ugly/racist thing to think let alone say out loud:mad:

And that's the 'UGLY' thing that I hope will gradually fade away and my generation and my child's generation and all of the following generations...just cease to use comparative language and stereotypical assumptions such as words like that!!! My father's generation repeated and said things that just make me ill...but that was then and that shouldn't happen any more...PERIOD, but those old thought processes and way of speaking {patterns} are so very hard to over come...REGARDLESS OF WHICH PARTY AFFILIATION YOU VOTE FOR!
He must resign as leader just as Trent Lott did for much less.

Why are we finding out about this quote just now? Could the lib MSM have buried it until now? Would they have buried such a remark made by an R?

But I made a political statement and called Obama a Halfrican (which he is since he is only 1/2 American and 1/2 African) and the libs here couldn’t wait to jump down my throat.
What's the problem? All he did was issue in the end of P.C. crap. That's a good thing.
If the democratic party condones his remarks because "he earned the right to make such mistakes", then so has every tax paying American citizen. Harry Reid doesn't get to have rights that other citizens don't. End of story. If someone doesn't like this post..."I apologize" and all is well.
What a stupid thing to say!

I didn't remember him having said it, but he has apologized now.

Does that make it all better?

Or does it make Reid sound like an idiot still?


I'm still trying to figure out how the truth is a stupid thing to say?:confused:

All this is is the Lunatic Right trying to churn something up out of nothing.

Let's look at the facts here OK? Harry Reed wasn't name calling or belittling the then candidate Obama in any way. He was stating the facts that the American electorate (enough of it to win the election) would embrace Obama... which they did.

Does anyone in here really REALLY think that if President Obama looked and talked like Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction he'd still have been electable?

Fact is there are electable qualities and non-electable qualities in both Black & White people and President Obama was on the electable side. This White guy ain't getting elected President either. That's just not electable looks or behavior.

As far a Tent Lott his case was totally different. He said that the country would have been better off if Strom Thurmon and the Dixiecrats (segregationists) had stayed in power. Now that's a real racist problem.
I'm still trying to figure out how the truth is a stupid thing to say?:confused:


I'll bet Reid could tell you why it was a stupid thing to say, at least now.

Of course, if every pol in Washington who had said something stupid at one time or another were to quit and go home, the place wold be a ghost town. Come to think of it, that might not be such a bad thing.
All this is is the Lunatic Right trying to churn something up out of nothing.
Lol. Like the lunatic left crying like babies and considering it a hate CRIME to call someone a name? Boo Hoo. Those days are over. Thank you Mr. Reid.
What a stupid thing to say!

I didn't remember him having said it, but he has apologized now.

Does that make it all better?

Or does it make Reid sound like an idiot still?

It's a GENERATIONAL-thing!!!!

Try to catch-up (rather-than sounding like some typical, History-challenged 20-something). :rolleyes:

As a Princeton Prof says......



BTW....Melissa Harris-Lacewell is an absolute BABY-DOLL!!!!!!!!

I'll bet Reid could tell you why it was a stupid thing to say, at least now.

Of course, if every pol in Washington who had said something stupid at one time or another were to quit and go home, the place wold be a ghost town. Come to think of it, that might not be such a bad thing.

Hey it's not just polititians... I hear just regular people say stupid things every single day.

Like I said this was an off the cuff private comment... this wasn't something Reid said the press. It ended up becoming public and he immediately stepped up to the plate and addressed it. Reid's entire life he's been an big equal rights guy. That's the overridding thing.
