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Maybe I should have said, "cost-saving regulations".  I think you prove my point in a way... government regulations can drive up or bring down the cost of health insurance.  Let the health insurance companies operate nationwide - or world wide.  There is no good reason to limit the places where they can operate.  Tort reform should be passed to bring down costs ... if this is a time for change, then the lawyer's lobby must be brought down.

When I buy car insurance, I can have "comprehensive", "liability only" and several other combinations.  Insurance companies have so many different forms of coverage it is virtually impossible for the ordinary person to make a determination of which form of insurance fits their needs and still understand which insurance company is offering the best deal.  There are some 1300 health insurance companies - if I could compare apples and apples, and the government stopped getting in the way by requiring coverage (like pregnancy), I am sure the insurance companies would become truly competitive.
