Here is an eye opening study about racism in the job market. It was published in 2003, yet little has been made of it.
Which is the biggest barrier to obtaining that all important first job; a criminal record, or a black skin? The answer might just surprise you. I know it did me.
Which is the biggest barrier to obtaining that all important first job; a criminal record, or a black skin? The answer might just surprise you. I know it did me.
The study offers this fictional scenario:
A young, white, male high school graduate with a felony conviction applies in person for entry level jobs as a driver, a dishwasher, a laborer, warehouse worker and production worker that are advertised in the newspaper and admits to employers that he served 18 months in prison for possession of cocaine with intent to sell.
A young black man with similar education, work history and style of presentation, but with no criminal record, applies for the same jobs.
Who do you think is more likely to be called back?
If you picked the white man with the felony conviction, you guessed right.