Putin Resigned-To / Accepting The HARRIS PRESIDENCY!

Putin could always release all these people and claim that Trump told him to do so.
But of course, he won't, because it would make him look weak.
If they exchange prisoners, that is almost the same thing as paying a ransom.
Putin will have to tolerate whomever Americans elect.
Electing Trump will mean that Russia will win in Ukraine, and the EU will be weakened.
A weaker EU will make the US weaker.

Trump is the way to weaken our country.
If they exchange prisoners, that is almost the same thing as paying a ransom.
Putin will have to tolerate whomever Americans elect.
Electing Trump will mean that Russia will win in Ukraine, and the EU will be weakened.
A weaker EU will make the US weaker.

Trump is the way to weaken our country.