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I have been filed, only the US Supreme Court has once again violated my civil rights and violated their own precedent as they have stripped me of the ability to defend myself from future harm and have in fact acted to ensure it. So, if they once again write an exact lie or reason my case in a manner in which all of you are made subject to proof of death (as you already were) I can always file again and remind them:

When you find yourselves violating your own precedent, let alone the law, when you cannot abide by the decisions you wrote and expected us to abide by, that is your first clue that you have become a dead institution and a coup has indeed occurred.

LOL! The Navy told me that if I ever argued in person they would back a coup by Congress. I burst out laughing as they missed their opportunity as the coup came and went. In order to enact a military backed coup you first have to be intelligent enough to recognize one when it happens. You have to seize the opportunity before anyone else catches on.

You guys all unchecked the Excutive by not voting and by allowing the US Supreme Court to install a President which is making law when the court does not have the power to make law. The Chief Justice unchecked himself by awarding the election to Bush in violation of the law, of all prior fedral precendent and in violation of math. 9 as 5-4 as 1 will NEVER add up and this is why we do not use per curiam in this court: The numbers do not work. Then the President uncheked himself by appointing a new Chief Justice in a manner not arbitrayr and for political reasons - to promote his personal unjust policy. The only legal way to appoint a new Chief that was not unchecking himself as President was to appoint the oldest as we do not control that; it is a check and balance we can't defeat - yet -  and it avoids a conflict of interest. Our interest is supposed to be upholding the law not subverting it. So then, due to all of this plus things like term limits upon the President which were never intended and which removed a check and balance from the people as your vote for President checks Congress thus term limits give the Congress overly broad power, and because the electors to the college refuse to do their duty and so their vote is decided beforehand and is not based upon anything other than party lines, EVERY single office then went unchecked from local municpal to President and Commander and Chief. Not one office remains checked which is how and why you ended up footing the bill. LITERALLY. I do not pay taxes since Bush V Gore as it constitutes taxation w/o representation and I refuse to use credit cards or take out loans so I will not be footing that trillion dollar bill. But, as you did it to yourselves I do not feel sorry for you. Your dollar? I told you guys months ago: It has zero value as none of you know what an American dollar actually is or what actually supports it. Was I correct? Anyway:

It is not possible for either McCain or Obama to recheck the offices as both are mmebers of Congress, the most corrupted and criminal Congress ever in US history, and both have announced they cannot or will not reason and apply the law on behalf of women thus they will not be preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution so all you are doing is making the situation worse; in effect you are racing your own selves to your early graves. The one and only way to recheck the offices is for a citizen to will him or herself to power thus checking and balancing the entire governement with the truth.

The power to make law, enforce law and interpret law landed in the US Supreme Court thus this institution is now acting as if it is God. Are you ready?

I purposely named all 300 million of you fully knowing the court would seek to silence me thus subjecting me to the nearly impossible proof of death standard. However, as the court had to violate Marbury to do this due to my very first federal question, the court then subjected all Americans to proof of death: you must die to prove Bush v Gore injured you and then you must return from the dead to give living testimony to support your claim thus establishing chain of causation, that your death was directly caused by the US Supreme Court. You must not have contributed to your death. Of course if you were resurrected then how do you then get around the fact that if not for being sentenced to death w/o a trial by jury and when innocent you never would have known everlasting life? There is a way if like Eve your minor children are males. So, your dead body or your child's dead body is not 'enough' proof on its own. The court never once stopped to realize that THEY WERE INCLUDED IN ALL 300 MILLION PLUS CITIZENS NAMED THUS THEY SIGNED THEIR OWN DEATH WARRANTS AS NOT ONE OF THEM CAN MEET AND THEN EXCEED PROOF OF DEATH.

I can and did.

The one and only other case that can be considered pro se, authority and original jurisdiction as I am? The Declaration of Independence, which is why the court does not want my actual name, the one I am known by, listed as I supported it with evidence rising to proof. God forbid any of you actually wake up so they can't put that out there. I should have warned the court:

The actual citizens are so devoid of any awareness whatsoever that if you write In Re Jesus Christ even they will not make a peep. In Re Jesus would sit and rot as not one person would bat an eye.

Secretly?  I wish I had thought of writing In Re Jesus, lol.
