Professional Atheles who are broke


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I Just watch ESPN 30:30 Professional Atheles who are broke. Some of these guys I really do feel sorry for like my favorite Boxer Mike Tyson. Players who had millions just blow their money away. My Idol Rick Dempsey and I still talk to him occasions? Hes not broke cause he made smart decisions and invested. Herman Edwards was an NFL coach for NY JETS and KC Chiefs knows something about having money. He said this advice. When you get a big contract don't blow it on unessary stuff like gold chains gold rings gold picture frames gold watch Dont buy a mansion. Just buy 2 cars not limos or rolls royces. Buy 2 Lincoln town cars. Don't buy private jets or yachts. Buy a Condo with security. Buy 2 suits and normal clothes and invest rest of your money cause youre gonna retire someday and youre gonna need it to survive. Great advice,, If I ever win powerbowl im gonna buy small stuff and Orioles,Ravens and Terps season tickets. And im gonna drop my American citizenship and become an Canadian citizen. And live in America. You see Illegals pay NO TAXES. So as an illegal I don't have to pay uncle sam NOT 1 DIME!

There was a guy who did that. Called his lawyer and told him I have the winning ticket. And he showed it to him. His lawyer took his ticket to an lockbox where its highly secured. Called the state lottery agency commission and told them I got my clients ticket before he redeems that ticket we got some discussions to do. And they negotiated and got less taxes paid on it. You see the Lawyer was threating hes got evidence what your boss did he can go to the press right now or you can get my client on 15% reduction means he pays only 25% to IRS. And he did it.
There was a guy who did that. Called his lawyer and told him I have the winning ticket. And he showed it to him. His lawyer took his ticket to an lockbox where its highly secured. Called the state lottery agency commission and told them I got my clients ticket before he redeems that ticket we got some discussions to do. And they negotiated and got less taxes paid on it. You see the Lawyer was threating hes got evidence what your boss did he can go to the press right now or you can get my client on 15% reduction means he pays only 25% to IRS. And he did it.

someone is pulling your leg.