President Obama has A.D.D. (Adult)

We are going nowhere in either Afghanistan or Iraq, so it's time to cut the cord and get out. If he got out of either country, the Right would squawk loudly, since they will stay there until Hell freezes over.

Obama may be reluctant to start another food fight with the Right, when he's not doing so well on the Health front, and needs all his politcal capital to push his Health agenda.
"Our president thinks that the Olympics has a higher priority than Afganistan or Iran."

How lame is that? You must be intellectually challenged since you had a need to bash Obama and this pathetic whine was the best you could come up with.
I have concluded that President Obama must have Attention Deficit Disorder. He can't stay focused. Our president thinks that the Olympics has a higher priority than Afganistan or Iran. :confused:

Obama has A.D.D. , you know you must be correct , that is why he must use teleprompters if his speech is longer than 30 seconds . He stutters , forgets the subject matter . In truth Obama talking is a cross between Porky Pig and G.W.Bush !! " tttatts AAll, FFolkks " . My GOD , what have we done?
Now he puts his image above our soliders lives in the AFGH. War , he flies to Denmark to see about Chicago's furture in 2016 BUT will NOT discuss the status of the AFGH. WAR with the TOP MILITARY COMMANDER who is BEGGING for SUPPORT to save LIVES!! He has BLOOD on his hands and thinks absolutely nothing about it! For Shame! Is the Blood spilled by our Military in AFGH . any less precious than the Blood spilled in IRAG under the confused G.W. Bush in his second term. During his second term G.W. transformed into a chicken left winger with all the bad policies including spending TONS of our Grandchildrens money . Then " Porky Pig " came into office and spends TRILLIONS MORE !!!! From DORKY to PORKY , no wonder America is in DANGER!
"Our president thinks that the Olympics has a higher priority than Afganistan or Iran."

How lame is that? You must be intellectually challenged since you had a need to bash Obama and this pathetic whine was the best you could come up with.

No! Well, Mr. Obama isn't doing anything he said he was going to do. He isn't helping anyone. Wake up and smell the coffee!
Obama has A.D.D. , you know you must be correct , that is why he must use teleprompters if his speech is longer than 30 seconds . He stutters , forgets the subject matter . In truth Obama talking is a cross between Porky Pig and G.W.Bush !! " tttatts AAll, FFolkks " . My GOD , what have we done?
Now he puts his image above our soliders lives in the AFGH. War , he flies to Denmark to see about Chicago's furture in 2016 BUT will NOT discuss the status of the AFGH. WAR with the TOP MILITARY COMMANDER who is BEGGING for SUPPORT to save LIVES!! He has BLOOD on his hands and thinks absolutely nothing about it! For Shame! Is the Blood spilled by our Military in AFGH . any less precious than the Blood spilled in IRAG under the confused G.W. Bush in his second term. During his second term G.W. transformed into a chicken left winger with all the bad policies including spending TONS of our Grandchildrens money . Then " Porky Pig " came into office and spends TRILLIONS MORE !!!! From DORKY to PORKY , no wonder America is in DANGER!

Hey Always, I enjoy reading your post's. You hit it dead on, and these left-wing extremests just don't get it. They think Mr. Obama is "tops". It really amazes me how blind and uninformed people really are. I will be 50 years old next month and I never thought that I would ever see something like this in my life. Just recently the FBI arrested those people planning to blow us up. The thing that makes so angry is that these left-wingers want to vilify the CIA. Al Queda and Osama think that Obama and US are WEAK since we are so focused on destroying CIA. I have a daughter with 8 years of active duty serving 1 tour in Iraq. She now has PTSD, but in the reserves. She can't go back because of her condition. At the same time we can't loose this fight.
The day is now complete. We've heard from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the whiney puss doom and gloom boo-hoo babies. If you want to see just how ignorant they are, look at the volume of misspelled words, and words inserted in place of words they wanted to use.

They'll both be clueless what that even means. They're a quite amusing pair of clueless clowns.
We are going nowhere in either Afghanistan or Iraq, so it's time to cut the cord and get out. If he got out of either country, the Right would squawk loudly, since they will stay there until Hell freezes over.

Obama may be reluctant to start another food fight with the Right, when he's not doing so well on the Health front, and needs all his politcal capital to push his Health agenda.

Seems to me I recall PBO stating that Afghanistan was THE important war, the one we HAD to win and that HE would see to it that we did. Now, we've a brilliant and capable commander in Afghanistan, General McChrystal who states on 60 Minutes that he has only met with Obama once in the past six months.

How revealing, that you compare these critical, weighty issues with a food fight. But you are 100% correct - he would need ALL his political capital to get HIS health agenda to pass. If that's the battle he wants to stake the success of his presidency on, it really is to bad. There are many more important issues needing his attention... like the Olympics for Chicago.

Yes, I do think he has ADD. Not that he couldn't have an absolutely brilliant presidency with it. Many very successful people have it, but recognize it so that they can concentrate on the benefits they receive from having it and seek structure to minimize the negatives.
The day is now complete. We've heard from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the whiney puss doom and gloom boo-hoo babies. If you want to see just how ignorant they are, look at the volume of misspelled words, and words inserted in place of words they wanted to use.

They'll both be clueless what that even means. They're a quite amusing pair of clueless clowns.

Oh Greco do you not understand that doing more than one thing at once is simply foreign to them?

They are like cave people. An intelligent administration scares and frightens them.

Don't you remember their role model President "STRATEGERY"? That's all they can handle...

The day is now complete. We've heard from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the whiney puss doom and gloom boo-hoo babies. If you want to see just how ignorant they are, look at the volume of misspelled words, and words inserted in place of words they wanted to use.

They'll both be clueless what that even means. They're a quite amusing pair of clueless clowns.
So let me get this straight Greco....

You are defending Obama's decision to let the troops in Afghanistan linger, while he goes to Denmark, to fight to get the Olympics to come to Chicago?

You gotta be kidding me.

Obama hasn't spoken to the General in Afghan in 70 days. This is a person he hand-picked. In his own words he said Afghan is where we need to focus to root out the terrorist breeding grounds.

Obama needs to worry less about his image, and how he looks on T.V., and what jokes he can scare up at David Letterman show and run this country.

He needs to stop going around and campaigning when the country disagrees with his agenda.

He needs to be something he's never been before. A leader. Unfortunate for America, he's learning the ropes at a very bad time.

If he actually did what he said he was going to do, and had a back-bone, people may not be so tenacious about all the crap he's doing as well as the crap he should not be doing.
Oh Greco do you not understand that doing more than one thing at once is simply foreign to them?

They are like cave people. An intelligent administration scares and frightens them.

Don't you remember their role model President "STRATEGERY"? That's all they can handle...

Intelligent. Now you are calling Obama intelligent? That's funny.
How intelligent is he? Really. Tell us how he's a genius, and no person on earth is smarter than Obama.
Hell. You can even write a song and tell some kindergarten kids to sing his praises.

He's a good speaker, and that's as far as it goes. That's it. That's why he is in politics. He couldn't make it in the real world because he lacked the intelligence to compete in the capitalist society.
Does the Right even no how to have rational thoughts anymore? My god your all retarded. ( Big Rob is exempt of course)
Here's one for you pocket.
Seems like a very rational thought to me, of course I am thinking aloud.

Take a long walk off a short peer.

Sweet and to the point! LOL
"Our president thinks that the Olympics has a higher priority than Afganistan or Iran."

How lame is that? You must be intellectually challenged since you had a need to bash Obama and this pathetic whine was the best you could come up with.
With so much going on in our country that needs attention, Obama has proven, that he is not up to the task.
Sure, he can go on a talk show media blitz, including late night tv. And of course, the Olympics are a very important deal... "no other president ever participated in the vote process"

He has yet to show any leadership qualities. I think that's why so many people are upset.

Of course, there is the far far far left base, which, no matter what this President does, will be fine.

But once you go outside of that spectrum, there are far more, who do believe in this President's abilities to solve problems