Poor Putin gets another ass kicking

Putting has lost so many men and so much equipment. The Russian air force is finding out what a real fighter jet is with the f16 and compared to a f22 the f16 is a joke.
They have lost so much armor tanks troop transports etc they are scrounging WW2 surplus .
This has Putin worried he could actually loose or drag on till he's using clubs and rocks lol.
So now he's threatening to start ww3 .
He needs to use a tactical nuke or 2 or 3 to assure victory .
He's scared he will loose power and end up like Saddam or even worse .
Now one thing I am curious about is how much of Russian nukes are actually useable.
They require regular maintenance and they degrade .
They left several nuke powered subs rot.
So is he bluffing or not.
Only a complete idiot would start a thermonuclear war.