Poor old rudi.

The Socialist Democrat USA Secret Police have arrested Guiliani and you can bet your monthly stipend of rubles they will torture him until he either dies or wishes he was dead.
And so say all of us. Someone will miss him but it won't be me.

He's an idiot and proved it by attempting to steal the election with fake electors and siding with Trump.
And so say all of us. Someone will miss him but it won't be me.

He's an idiot and proved it by attempting to steal the election with fake electors and siding with Trump.
Demmies hated patriotic Americans long before they stole the 2020 election by massive fraud.
What did he do to deserve that title?

NEWS | Sept. 11, 2009

Mayor shows exemplary leadership during 9/11​

By Col. Donald Sedberry 779th Dental Squadron commander
ANDREWS AFB, Md. – Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's actions following the 9/11 attack on the New York World Trade Center towers have been held by many to be a flawless example of crisis leadership. I believe there is much we can learn from the leadership behaviors he demonstrated during that trying time.

NEWS | Sept. 11, 2009

Mayor shows exemplary leadership during 9/11​

By Col. Donald Sedberry 779th Dental Squadron commander
ANDREWS AFB, Md. – Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's actions following the 9/11 attack on the New York World Trade Center towers have been held by many to be a flawless example of crisis leadership. I believe there is much we can learn from the leadership behaviors he demonstrated during that trying time.
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Let's see what a patriot does.

Trump gets beaten at the election. Rudi offers to represent him and was a complete failure. He then joins a conspiracy with others to subvert the election results and ultimately gets charged. He then joins the conspiracy to install fake electors and gets caught again.
He opens his big mouth and called two electoral officials thieves and liars and winds up owing them 80 million then declares bankrupt to avoid paying.

Is that what you call a patriot?
Let's see what a patriot does.

Trump gets beaten at the election. Rudi offers to represent him and was a complete failure. He then joins a conspiracy with others to subvert the election results and ultimately gets charged. He then joins the conspiracy to install fake electors and gets caught again.
He opens his big mouth and called two electoral officials thieves and liars and winds up owing them 80 million then declares bankrupt to avoid paying.

Is that what you call a patriot?
A patriot stands against evil, both foreign and domestic, and especially against insurrectionsists who seek to overthrow America through voting fraud.
A patriot stands against evil, both foreign and domestic, and especially against insurrectionsists who seek to overthrow America through voting fraud.

the voting fraud you morons can't prove. lol.

a real patriot wouldnt' claim voting fraud without credible evidence sustained in court victories, but hateful right wing morons don't worry about that.