Poor Joe Biden And his supporters

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Joes performance at the debate and the world seeing him live after 7 days of rest at camp David and prep time . was pathic at best . You always here how trump lies , sorry guys he is a liar but so is joe Biden. The difference is one has made tons of delusional claims such as his uncle was ate by cannibals and even more bizarre stuff that never happened
He seems Fragile unstable and even had to have help from Jill to leave the stage..
He froze up mumbled and mumbled forgot what he was talking about .

Now you have people calling for the vp to invoke the 25th amendment ,

Democrats wanting him replaced due to his mental and physical health .
And it's obvious.
Its been obvious for a couple years now that joe has had issues and they are more severe.
Hes not going to get better.

Liberals hate trump so much they would prefer a man who has clear mental and physical issues whose policy's have hurt us all , They are voting for the party not the man and deep inside they know I am right but can not face the truth,.

They claimed Biden needed rest he just had 7 days off to prep and he had a cold yes whoever you get a cold you lock up mumble and freeze and ramble on about things .

Thier hate has driven them to lie to themselves and keep pointing the nation the wrong way,
Do democrats care about our nation ?

Pathic is all I can say it is sad .
There may be some governors that are very well qualified to be president, but none is nationally known and none has the ability to raise the funds needed to win,

Hubert Humphrey was easily the most competent successor to LBJ, but when LBJ decided to drop out, Humphrey did not have adequate time to raise the money needed to defeat Nixon. He lost by under 1% to Tricky Dick. EWho, need I add, was forced out in disgrace.