Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
Narrator: Suddenly, a mosquito flew out of the priest's pocket and settled on his arm. As the owl tried to attack the mosquito, the priest warded off its attack with the other arm, shouting: "Leave her alone! She is my valuable ally!"

Owl: No kidding! Your so-called valuable ally is feeding on your blood!

Priest: She is the queen of the mosquitoes that are found in a huge forest between my land and the old man's mountainous region. The mosquitoes carry a deadly disease. If the old man and his allies advance through the forest to attack my clan, they would come under the merciless attack of the mosquitoes. Hence, the huge mosquito-infested forest serves as an effective buffer zone between the two regions.

Owl: Don't the mosquitoes attack you and your people in the forest too? Don't they fly to your land to attack your clan?

Priest (taking an empty bottle from his pocket): This is why I carry the mosquito queen with me in this open bottle. Because of my alliance with her, she has ordered her species not to attack my people when they travel through the forest. For the same reason, the mosquitoes will never fly to my land to attack my clan.

Owl: Then why is she drinking your blood?

Priest: Well, it is a small price for the precious asset of traditional friendship. I have to feed her with my blood at least once a day.

Owl: Aren't you afraid of getting the deadly disease from her bites?

Priest: As she feeds only on my clean blood, she won't be carrying any disease.

Owl: You'd better get rid of the Frankenstein of your making before your blood runs dry! Her body is swelling and turning red with your blood.

Priest: Oh! No! That would mean the loss of the buffer zone between the two rival clans.

Narrator: Suddenly the insect let out a strange buzzing sound, and the priest began to dance.

Owl: Why are you prancing around like a crazy horse?

Priest: After filling her stomach, she needs entertainment. She demands me to dance to her tune.

Owl (shaking its head and mumbling to itself): As the Cantonese Chinese saying goes, "There is no remedy for a fool."

************************* The End *************************