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It's their reality problem at work. The farther to the Right one is, the more distorted their world view is. They see things as they want to see things, not as they are. Whether it is reading words on a page, or screen, or watching a video, or even a live event, it is remembered as they see the world, not necessarily as what really was there.

There is solid proof in the last major event in the attempted coup on and around 01/06/2021.

Notice the difference in what was transpiring that was documented by videos, authenticated records (phone, e-mails, messages, etc.) of the event, and what the Far Right maintains was going on.

The attempted coup against the United States, vs a rally that got a little bit out of hand. Trump's actions are well documented that evening. Never mind the many highly classified security documents at Trump's private home, that never should have left the White House. Regardless of any classifications.
