One Big Awful Mistake America


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008

This just keeps getting better.

O.K. Libs.. defenders of the down trodden. Where's the outrage on this.

If this was Bush or any republican, it would a mob going after them.

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Members of the White House Press Corps watch from a holding room inside NBC Studios while President Barack Obama appears on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in Burbank, Calif.

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President Obama makes a Special Olympics joke - staffer apologizes
By Jimmy Orr | 03.19.09
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There was plenty of talk about the risks of President Obama appearing on the Tonight Show. One simple mistake could dominate the conversation the next morning.

The last thing President Obama needed was a gaffe.

He made one.

Special Olympics

In a lighthearted conversation, President Obama told Jay Leno that he recently bowled a 129 at the White House bowling alley.

“Very good,” Leno said sarcastically.

“It was like Special Olympics or something,” Obama replied.

Realizing the potential magnitude of the mistake, the White House addressed the president’s remark to reporters aboard Air Force One.

“The President made an offhand remark making fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to disparage the Special Olympics,” Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton told reporters. “He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world.”
Lookee here... we have a PC Republican. I thought your leader, Rush Limbaugh, said you weren't supposed to worry about such things..or is that only when Republicans are exhibiting their usual pattern of racism, misogyny and homophobia?
So, you think that if Bush said this, there would be a "no big deal" response.

It's a big deal. He's on Leno for crying out loud and ESPN and flying around trying to convicne people he's got good ideas in his 3.7 tril budget.

Why the heck does he think he is still on the campaign trail. Didn't he win. Isn't he the President, with a majority in house and senate?

It's funny, though, because all the Obama Bots will say... "shouldnt we be focused on other things"?

Well, may answer... Shouldn't the President be concerned on bigger things too?
I saw the segment. He was making fun of his own inability to bowl, pure and simple.

Personally, I'd rather have a president who can't bowl than one who can't speak English properly, whether I agree with all of his policies or not.

No one really believes his intent was to make fun of the special olympics. The intent of saying so is simply to nit pick every word that comes out of his mouth and see what can be spun into an "OMG, he's evil" kind of story.
I saw the segment. He was making fun of his own inability to bowl, pure and simple.

Personally, I'd rather have a president who can't bowl than one who can't speak English properly, whether I agree with all of his policies or not.

No one really believes his intent was to make fun of the special olympics. The intent of saying so is simply to nit pick every word that comes out of his mouth and see what can be spun into an "OMG, he's evil" kind of story.

Obama is no better than bush with his english unless he has his telepromoter with him.

He has made some of the most pathetic statements when not using his telepromoter I can not understand why there is not already a book made about it.
Obama is no better than bush with his english unless he has his telepromoter with him.

You'd be hard-pressed to make THAT case!!!


"And so, in my State of themy State of the Unionor statemy speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nationI asked Americans to give 4,000 years4,000 hours over the nextthe rest of your lifeof service to America. That's what I asked4,000 hours." — Bridgeport, Conn., April 9, 2002


This just keeps getting better.
No DOUBT!!!!

Accountability is HIP, again!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The widow of a 32-year-old Iraqi has filed suit in a federal court against private security firm Xe, formerly Blackwater, for allegedly trying to hide that her husband was killed by one of its security agents who was drunk.

According to the suit filed in federal court in San Diego, California, a copy of which was obtained by AFP, "on Christmas eve 2006, a highly intoxicated and heavily armed Xe-Blackwater employee named Andrew Moonen, shot and killed a man named Raheem Khalaf Sa'adoon, for no reason."

"Although Xe-Blackwater has learned of their employee's crime short after it occurred, Xe-Blackwater acted, and continues to act, in conspiracy with Moonen to evade any accountability whatsoever," the suit charges.

The lawsuit also alleges the company rushed to get the agent out of Iraq, and destroyed documents in the case."
Obama is no better than bush with his english unless he has his telepromoter with him.

He has made some of the most pathetic statements when not using his telepromoter I can not understand why there is not already a book made about it.

Bush is the poster child of malapropisms. Obama doesn't even come close in that department, so his detractors have to pounce on any phrase that comes out of his mouth, twist it to make it seem much worse than it is, then repeat it over and over. Obama's political enemies would be more credible if they would stick to real issues and quit trying to manufacture them. They still would have plenty of grist for the propaganda mill by harping on economic policies, after all.
Bush is the poster child of malapropisms. Obama doesn't even come close in that department, so his detractors have to pounce on any phrase that comes out of his mouth, twist it to make it seem much worse than it is, then repeat it over and over. Obama's political enemies would be more credible if they would stick to real issues and quit trying to manufacture them. They still would have plenty of grist for the propaganda mill by harping on economic policies, after all.

In the primarys alone he made more stupid remarks than Bush had in 8 years, they were all excused of course because he is "the one" but he made them none the less.

One day when I get extra time Ill get a list of each and compare worst to worst for you.

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

Compares nicely to Obama’s confusion that we should give kids a breathalyzer instead of an inhaler

They both had problems trying to walk out a window in unfamiliar places but only Bush’s was treated like he was a ***** Obama of course got a pass.

Bush’s "They misunderestimated me."
Can be compared to Obama’s going on and on about having visited 57 states with 2 to go not counting Alaska and Hawaii (because his staff would not have approved those places) The crowds strange laughing should have clued him in, but it did not.

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"
Is no where as bad as Obama not knowing the frakin difference between memorial and veterans day or being stupid enough to talk about fallen soldiers then say he saw some of them out there in the crowd. So he not only did not know the difference between the two days he did not know what frakin fallen meant.

There are tons more but those are what I can think of off the top of my head.
In the primarys alone he made more stupid remarks than Bush had in 8 years, they were all excused of course because he is "the one" but he made them none the less.

One day when I get extra time Ill get a list of each and compare worst to worst for you.

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

Compares nicely to Obama’s confusion that we should give kids a breathalyzer instead of an inhaler

They both had problems trying to walk out a window in unfamiliar places but only Bush’s was treated like he was a ***** Obama of course got a pass.

Bush’s "They misunderestimated me."
Can be compared to Obama’s going on and on about having visited 57 states with 2 to go not counting Alaska and Hawaii (because his staff would not have approved those places) The crowds strange laughing should have clued him in, but it did not.

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"
Is no where as bad as Obama not knowing the frakin difference between memorial and veterans day or being stupid enough to talk about fallen soldiers then say he saw some of them out there in the crowd. So he not only did not know the difference between the two days he did not know what frakin fallen meant.

There are tons more but those are what I can think of off the top of my head.
Well, let's keep score, shall we, and see which one of them has uttered the most nonsense, either deliberately or accidentally. I'm still pretty sure that Bush will come out ahead. Watching him try to make a non scripted response was downright painful.

I could be wrong, but it appears that Obama is way ahead in the English fluency department.