Of Spirit and Grammatology: Signatures of Assassination!

Jeffrey Neuzil

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2007
Signatures of the Assassins: Quotations, Questions?—John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Malcolm X; Martin Luther King; and Robert F. Kennedy

1. What is Poitical Philosophy? (published by Leo Strauss 1958): "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country—John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 1964

2. What is Political Philosophy?:— "By any means necessary"—Malcolm X (died at the Audobon Ballroom, New York City; same year as the publication of Leo Strauss' "Spinozas' Critique of Religion: New York City, Shocken Press, 1965).

3. "Mountains are different from molehils"—Martin Luther King, Jr. (What is Political Philosophy?, Strauss) Martin Luther King Jr—"Let freedom ring. . . .from every mountainside": "I've been to the mountaintop." (see "Giants and Dwarfs," Allan Bloom: final chapter, critique of John Rawls (Jr)[JFk, MLk] —"What is Political Philosophy"? (Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil," "From High Mountains."

4. "Some men see things as they are, and ask why?; I see things as they are not and ask, why not? —"What is Noble?" (Nietzsche: "Beyond Good and Evil"—What is Political Philosophy?—"The Question Concerning Technology") (Martin Heidegger).

5. "We pass this torch to a new generation. . . —John Fitzgerald Kennedy (inaugural address, 1964: Note how Plato's "Republic" opens with the mention of a "deferred" torch race. (I think Plato is a modern—not so ancient after all—his dialogues are about the events which are contemporaraneous with Strauss' life—1936-1963 (27 years, like the Peloponesian war in a modern context—concluded with the assassination of JFK): Stanley Rosen says, Strauss "Nietzscheanizes the classics," and I think he means this in an even deeper sense than has been fathomed, if one considers the possibility that Nietzsche call to a philological philosophy, together with his belief that philosophy should not be the haindmaiden of of philology, but the reverse: Namely, philology—in the service of philosophy—should artistically create, perhaps wholesale, value-horizons—that is value horizons that serve life by artistically creating a tradition within which a people may "rootedly" and "resolutely" live—i.e, "noble delusions," (see Strauss University of Chicago Lecture, "Why We Remain Jews": What is political philosophy?—why we remain Jews!).