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Uh, that was a bipartisan effort friend. Recall that something like 80% of the members of the House GOP voted for the Civil Rights Act. Its biggest proportion of opponents were Southern Democrats -- you know, the descendants of the old pro-slavery, anti-black suffrage party, the one aligned with and, in some states, controlled by the KKK?

I have to chortle at this. You are either ignorant of history or being deliberately dishonest.

You mean you want them to spend it improving the lifestyle of blacks. Well, they've been doing that for years. The long-term result has been the collapse of the black family and soaring rates of crime, illegitimacy, drug use, abortion, etc.

Again, ignorant of history or being deliberately dishonest.

The fact that the US government was, until recently, throughout much of its history detaining foreign combatants captured on foreign soil without entitling them to a right they do not, as non-citizen foreign combatants, enjoy, provides absolutely zero basis for asserting that this can or has been extended to everyone.
