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well we're printing money because we're having trouble finding people to fund our borrowing.  no it certainly cant last forever.


how bad CAN things get ?


what happens when we can't pay our debt load to China ?  do they just say 'oh well' ?  and what of the rest of our creditors ?


and when (not if) we default what effect does that have on other sovereign debt ?


its a collapse of the global economic system. so no international trade, unimaginable problems for countries that are not self sufficient in energy, food, water, other needed natural resources.


can China feed itself ?  where will they go to obtain food if they cannot ?


what does europe do with no energy ?


thats what CAN happen.


and lets be fair.. this can kidking has been goi ng on for quite some time now.  plenty of blame to go around.


so America doubles down on this unprecedented escalation in destructive fiscal behavior.  we are on track for a two trillion deficit this year and no end in sight.


how are you at hunting and gathering ?
