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The so-called legal controversy over President Elect Obama's eligibility is a nonstarter and a no-brainer. President Elect Obama’s birth certificate has been authenticated by the State of Hawaii; which would be admissible as records of vital statistics under Rule 803(9) of the Federal Rules of Evidence in any action in which such issue was relevant. However, you don’t even get there because the federal courts do not have subject matter jurisdiction for lack of standing of the plaintiffs (appellants) in the case. The lawyers that filed these frivolous lawsuits (and appeals) well knew that they lacked standing to sue, and that such actions would be dismissed; and only did so to generate publicity for themselves. What is interesting is the number of gullible people that have been taken in by this champerty. Indeed, one would think that P.T. Barnum’s estimate on the birthrate of suckers will have to be adjusted for inflation.
