Obama is post turtle ?


Active Member
Jun 17, 2008
got this in an email..thought it was kinda funny... and true..

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President.
The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'.'

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a "Post turtle' was. The old
rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with

a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.'

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain.

'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there to begin with.'
seems like a thread a post Turtle would post, thinking it add value to anything .

What do you know of Obama and his associations? I'm guessing pretty little, like the rest of us. We scratched the surface with his most immediate circle and found some nasty and disturbing people...

Obama was a NOBODY in '04, few had ever heard of him. Four years later, we still know almost nothing about the guy, how deep his connections go, and he's about to take the reigns of the worlds lone super power.

And the fence sitting is accurate. Obama caters his message to the particular audience just as the other politicians, trying not to box himself into a position until after the election.
What do you know of Obama and his associations? I'm guessing pretty little, like the rest of us. We scratched the surface with his most immediate circle and found some nasty and disturbing people...

Obama was a NOBODY in '04, few had ever heard of him. Four years later, we still know almost nothing about the guy, how deep his connections go, and he's about to take the reigns of the worlds lone super power.

And the fence sitting is accurate. Obama caters his message to the particular audience just as the other politicians, trying not to box himself into a position until after the election.

I think its very clear who he is, and Right wing hacks just want to deffine him by finding issues with others, not him and try to paint him with the same Brush.
There is ZERO correlation between the company you keep and the person you are?

no but not the main thing. For Gods Sakes look at the Bush Co people....and McCain has a large share of people I don't like as well around him. Oddly I choose to view people for who they are, not others just so put there sins on the other.
no but not the main thing. For Gods Sakes look at the Bush Co people....and McCain has a large share of people I don't like as well around him. Oddly I choose to view people for who they are, not others just so put there sins on the other.

Look at Bush and McCain? I understand its easy to equivocate and say - those people are worse! but that dodges the fact that who you hang out with says something about who you are and what you believe.

You say you choose to view people for who they are... Who is Obama? What do you know about him that you didn't hear from him, his wife, or the media who has nothing but praise for the man?

Fact is, everything you know about him is what people supporting him tell you. Of course anything his political opponents have to say is fearful hatemongering, typical of politics as usual, and must be immediately dismissed and ignored.

Its frustrating for people like me who want to know more about the guy who may be the next president and the people in best position to pressure Obama to find out - Don't want to, because they are so enamored with him.
Look at Bush and McCain? I understand its easy to equivocate and say - those people are worse! but that dodges the fact that who you hang out with says something about who you are and what you believe.

You say you choose to view people for who they are... Who is Obama? What do you know about him that you didn't hear from him, his wife, or the media who has nothing but praise for the man?

Fact is, everything you know about him is what people supporting him tell you. Of course anything his political opponents have to say is fearful hatemongering, typical of politics as usual, and must be immediately dismissed and ignored.

Its frustrating for people like me who want to know more about the guy who may be the next president and the people in best position to pressure Obama to find out - Don't want to, because they are so enamored with him.

fine learn about HIM....and also what did you learn about him from this the post that started this thread? Nothing I would bet.
fine learn about HIM....and also what did you learn about him from this the post that started this thread? Nothing I would bet.
Your Irish is showing.
You see the reaction to possible McCain/Republican scandals - throw the bums out! Yet you don't see the double standard on the left? Democrat scandal - Give that one a pass!

What would the harm be to the media doing its job and investigating Obama - as they would a Republican with less than 4 years experience in government. Its not like they could find anything that would detract from Obama's support.

Obama is in over his head if he get the presidency. He will be relying on the Clinton appointees and political flunkies of the past for guidance - If he stacks them high enough, he can stand on their shoulders and not look so silly at his post.
Your Irish is showing.
You see the reaction to possible McCain/Republican scandals - throw the bums out! Yet you don't see the double standard on the left? Democrat scandal - Give that one a pass!

What would the harm be to the media doing its job and investigating Obama - as they would a Republican with less than 4 years experience in government. Its not like they could find anything that would detract from Obama's support.

Obama is in over his head if he get the presidency. He will be relying on the Clinton appointees and political flunkies of the past for guidance - If he stacks them high enough, he can stand on their shoulders and not look so silly at his post.

I stop listing when you said I wanted to throw McCain out...I have never said that, I in fact like McCain and may vote for him....I see no point to listen to your drivel if you cant even take the time to figure out my position before you just guess it.
Absolutely priceless and spot-on Godspeed.

His "Post-turtleness" became evident during the BigMedia/GOP shameless push to promote him over Hillary in the primaries. That was the precise moment, when I realized he was a post-turtle, that I decided to switch to the candidate he only narrowly beat out in my mind before...and that only because I was swept on the tide of "change" and "hope" *retch*..

I have this sneaking suspicion that long ago this man was hand-picked and promoted, with or without his knowledge or conscious consent, to rise to the exact position he is in today. You think back to how a team of lawyers appeared in the elections office in Chicago to systematically comb through all the signatures of all four opponents in that race and eliminate each and every one so he could become Senator over a beloved incumbant...Everyone knows in order to be President, you have to at least be a Senator first..



We should do the only humane thing. We should take the post turtle down before he hurts himself and the democratic party and let him crawl around on the ground where he belongs.
Absolutely priceless and spot-on Godspeed.

His "Post-turtleness" became evident during the BigMedia/GOP shameless push to promote him over Hillary in the primaries. That was the precise moment, when I realized he was a post-turtle, that I decided to switch to the candidate he only narrowly beat out in my mind before...and that only because I was swept on the tide of "change" and "hope" *retch*..

I have this sneaking suspicion that long ago this man was hand-picked and promoted, with or without his knowledge or conscious consent, to rise to the exact position he is in today. You think back to how a team of lawyers appeared in the elections office in Chicago to systematically comb through all the signatures of all four opponents in that race and eliminate each and every one so he could become Senator over a beloved incumbant...Everyone knows in order to be President, you have to at least be a Senator first..



We should do the only humane thing. We should take the post turtle down before he hurts himself and the democratic party and let him crawl around on the ground where he belongs.

Since the primaries are over, and the Democrats have their presumptive nominee, continuing to harp on it is nothing but sour grapes on your part. Possibly you just need a little more time than the more mature Clinton supporters. Nonetheless, once more I will demonstrate, with numbers, that Obama was chosen...by the voters:

Pledged Delegates
Barack Obama – 1,764.5
Hillary Clinton – 1,639.5

Overall Contests Won:
Barack Obama – 34
Hillary Clinton – 20

Primaries Won:
Barack Obama – 19
Hillary Clinton – 18

Caucuses Won:
Barack Obama – 14
Hillary Clinton – 3

Blue States Won:
Barack Obama – 12
Hillary Clinton – 7

Red States Won:
Barack Obama – 18
Hillary Clinton – 12
In this case, Clinton has opted, as is her right, to not have the primary race over until the August convention. Superdelegates, of which Obama only had only a relatively slight lead in at the end of States votes of the primary process, can change their minds and vote for Hillary in August. Yes, they can.

So you are wrong. Only the State-vote of the primary process is over. The final vote is in August. Hillary Clinton is still a running candidate. Her campaign was strategically suspended, not ended. And she has good solid reasons for doing that.

Labelling common sense as "sour grapes" serves your purpose of making people in favor of Clinton look bad. But the real truth is supporters of Clinton are sober people who can look farther ahead than cults of personalities and aren't afraid to examine Obama's background that makes him patently unelectable. We are concerned not about losing a sack race at a picnic, but the entire integrity of the democratic party. And even more than that the future of our nation with a post-turtle flailing around at the helm once his singsong rhetoric lulled a blind nation into placing him where he shouldn't be.

That's assuming he gets beyond the GOP plan, October surprise and the same exact media treatment Hillary got...only worse..starting just after the convention and going right up to the eve of the November election. When they're done with him you won't even recognize him as the man you once thought you knew.

Our position is that we should responsibly beat the GOP to the punch and examine our own candidates fitness to overcome their ruthless media machine. Face it. Hillary has taken their blows and risen back...not from some voodoo magic, but because she is popular with the people for lasting reasons based on longtime performance and obvious dedication to the poor and working class people. And they've pretty much dredged the very bottom of the Clinton sludge tank and come up with petty stuff that most people forgive anyway. They have barely cracked the lid on the Obama septic tank.

And speaking of that, let me post this link again in case someone hasn't read it yet: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-070403obama-ballot,0,1843097.story

Sour grapes? No. Common sense and a willingness to keep our eyes open to future disaster? Yes.

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