Obama is going bonkers


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Obama has already gone bonkers over Sambocare; he needs to be carted away in a straight jacket.


Here is the Obama Department of Justice put on the frier by The US 5th District Court of Appeals Judge.

This was a good exchange. Basically Sambo said that unelected judges had no authority to declare a congressional bill unconstitutional. So this is a major challenge to the Constitutional authority of the Court and was not well received by this judge. No white house resident has ever uttered a more subversive statement. I guess "professor" sambo missed that one in his Conlaw class at harvard as a young token muslim from kenya.

Obama's goin down... scorched USA policy.
Sambo is a racial slur that's offensive. It was also a 1900 children's story of an Indian boy and some tigers. In that story, Sambo outsmarted the tigers.
Obama has already gone bonkers over Sambocare; he needs to be carted away in a straight jacket.


Here is the Obama Department of Justice put on the frier by The US 5th District Court of Appeals Judge.

This was a good exchange. Basically Sambo said that unelected judges had no authority to declare a congressional bill unconstitutional. So this is a major challenge to the Constitutional authority of the Court and was not well received by this judge. No white house resident has ever uttered a more subversive statement. I guess "professor" sambo missed that one in his Conlaw class at harvard as a young token muslim from kenya.

Obama's goin down... scorched USA policy.

I hope so, Cant stand another 4 more years of him.