Yes, Obama tries to hit his three pointers on his basketball court while our servicemen bleed and die in IRAQ and AFGH. wars . Where is our leadership ? I thought BUSH was bad but this yo, yo, cannot make a decision! Obama could not run a Dairy Queen, never had any experience except as an ACORN Community misfit . Make a decision Hussien , CALL BUSH , he will tell you what to do . It will be WRONG but at least you will dO SOMETHING! Even GATES is crying for this presidential imposter to do something, maybe we should DEMAND to see a REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE proving he really is a U.S. Citizen . He has NOT shown one yet! It is just hard to believe that America would produce one who is so unlike the other 300 plus million citizens . Must be an IMPORT! Would give us an EASY WAY OUT TOO!