No one is above the law.

The majority mob in the US supports the unjust condemnation of those who openly exposed democrat 2020 voting fraud because the majority mob is either stupid or does not want to upset the applecart of their own job security in a world majorly run by laftist managers.
Yep. That's exactly what I expected
So the prosecution of Trump should proceed as per the law?
You've changed your tune.
No. Democrats and lawless leftists have dismissed due process in their wicked effotrt to destroy Trump before the 2024 election, so NO, they should not continue their lawless kangaroo court 3rd world unconstitutional attack on their #1 political opponent.

Trump LIES about his affair with Storm Daniels, he lies about everything. He belongs in prison.
Trump belongs in prison for lying about a consentual affair with an adult prostitute? What law makes that a crime punishable by years in prison?

And what level of intelligence leads trump-hating lefties to take the word of a lying gold-digging whore over that of President trump who was legitimately elected with tens of millions of majority American votes?
Trump belongs in prison for lying about a consentual affair with an adult prostitute? What law makes that a crime punishable by years in prison?
He took money from his political campaign donations to pay off Daniels. He is corrupt.He is a lying, rapey, corrupt, ignorant stupid and lazy blowhard who deserves to be in prison.

He told Big Oil CEOs that if they give him a billion dollars, he will allow them to pollute the planet all they wish for as long as they wish.
That is what the hair-brained enemies of truth and righteousness are now stupidly trying to prove.
It is what he did. Trump is a conman, a rapey ignorant diaper-wearing blowhard that wants to destroy Democracy in the US and the climate of the entire Earth.
No. Democrats and lawless leftists have dismissed due process in their wicked effotrt to destroy Trump before the 2024 election, so NO, they should not continue their lawless kangaroo court 3rd world unconstitutional attack on their #1 political opponent.

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You said no one is above the law. Except when it's your potus. How coincidental.
It is what he did. Trump is a conman, a rapey ignorant diaper-wearing blowhard that wants to destroy Democracy in the US and the climate of the entire Earth.
Democrats used to lynch blacks they hated less than modern leftist savages unjustly hate Trump.
You said no one is above the law. Except when it's your potus. How coincidental.
There are exceptions, according to leftist bootlicks like Comey, who admitted Hillary was guilty but forgave her for reasons he thought best even though he had no authority to do that.



