new evolution supporting find? ( of course not we are made from magic)


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2008
land of 10,000 lakes and 2 senators again
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two million-year-old bones belonging to a creature with both apelike and human traits provide the clearest evidence of evolution's first major step toward modern humans — findings some are calling a potential game-changer.

see this is what those who fear and hate evolution and science fail to see...they cry about how it can't answer everything 100 for them thus reject it in favor of something with far less to back it up..because it feels better...But Science does not just settle for what it keeps pushing to fill in the gaps knowing that it does not always get to have every piece of the puzzle at once.
I would have no problem with humans being 2 mill years old or even older. In fact, the dates for our first ancestor can only get older rather than newer.

I would still caution against reading too much into a grand total of 4 partial skeletons. When it comes to archeology the bones "can be used to justify just about anything the reader wants".
It continually amazes me that otherwise intelligent people can completely and fully believe evolution THEORY. It is most illogical, but it does fit the leftists greatest hope that God does not exist so they can do whatever pleases them without consequence...(I am willing to bet that very few leftists make to Heaven)

Lets believe in evolution one must accept that humans magically evolved from single cell amoebas...SOMEHOW. And, those amoebas also magically appeared SOMEHOW...and that the Earth just magically appeared SOMEHOW along with the ENTIRE universe.

To believe such absurdities, proves the weakness of the human mind. And non-believing lefties like to say believers are feeble minded. CRAZY!
It continually amazes me that otherwise intelligent people can completely and fully believe evolution THEORY. It is most illogical, but it does fit the leftists greatest hope that God does not exist so they can do whatever pleases them without consequence...(I am willing to bet that very few leftists make to Heaven)

Lets believe in evolution one must accept that humans magically evolved from single cell amoebas...SOMEHOW. And, those amoebas also magically appeared SOMEHOW...and that the Earth just magically appeared SOMEHOW along with the ENTIRE universe.

To believe such absurdities, proves the weakness of the human mind. And non-believing lefties like to say believers are feeble minded. CRAZY!

I believe in evolutionary theory. Being a theory does not in any way make it less plausible than a host of other things we take for granted which are all theories and there is nothing wrong with a possible explanation for a set of observations being a theory. I do not believe that every detail in every conflicting paleontologists account is the best or even accurate but in general the basic gist of the theory is well supported. It is when people start adding their own interpretations to the basics that they run into problems.

I do not believe the theory depends on magic though it does depend on a concurrence of chance that is so unlikely as to seemingly require the existence of "magic" or providence for it to take place.

The question of the creation of the universe is a separate theory and is not a part of the theory of evolution. One could even believe in a theory of godless evolution (though that theory does not state anymore that it must be godless) and still believe in a god-created universe. Though believing in non-supernatural creation of the universe is almost certainly impossible.

The creation of the Earth is also a separate theory and is mostly irrelevant to either the question of the creation of the universe or the creation of mankind.

Regarding the evolution of mankind the theory of evolution actually states just that mankind evolved from lower creatures. There are multiple possible ways that the details could work out; probably as many ways as there are people stating them. Some of those people would say that mankind evolved from single cell creatures but not all would.

However, after all that is said the bias in the field is extreme and one would be hard pressed to find an archeologist who was a believer in any sort of supernatural existence at all despite the abundance of physicists who not only are believers in the supernatural but are believers precisely becuase their science informs them.

The greatest threat to both science and evolutionary theory is the unscientific and biased approach taken by those most entrenched in its halls. Some exalt it to religious importance.
So does the theory of evolution state that the process does not include providence (a term that is actually polite and more accurate than the insulting term magic)?

In Darwin's first draft he stated that the process occurred without the influence of God. Wisely he removed that in his second draft since it is contrary to the rules of science to make such a statement. Should anyone at all make such a statement they would not be following proper scientific method. The thing a scientifically minded person would least accurately be able to do is to say that magic or anything supernatural is not involved.

But how does a layman explain the fits and starts of evolution often called punctuated equalibrium? The process is not marked by slow and gradual change as originally postulated by Darwin. What causes the rapid changes that are seen?

And since there is no credible theory of abiogenesis (not an evolutionary theory but something that needs to be understood for the theory of evolution to be complete) just how did the first life come to be?

The scientists cannot accurately say that supernatural forces are or are not a part of the process but they can say that despite our best efforts a strictly natural process is not or not yet sufficient to explain things. And if some day we know enough about the natural world to say that natural forces are not sufficient to explain evolution then what is the alternative?
I can agree with much of what you stated Doc. But, there are those who use evolution to deny the existence of a superior being and to denigrate believers.

I hope we can we agree that humans did not evolve from amoebas and later apes? It is illogical to believe such tripe. How is it that just one species among millions on this planet evolved into a thinking and caring species?

I can agree that some animals evolved to better survive their environment.

Many who promote evolution believe that the Earth and universe just magically occurred. And, that life just magically occurred on Earth.
I can agree with much of what you stated Doc. But, there are those who use evolution to deny the existence of a superior being and to denigrate believers.

Like the title of this thread? It is an usupportable position to take.

I hope we can we agree that humans did not evolve from amoebas and later apes? It is illogical to believe such tripe. How is it that just one species among millions on this planet evolved into a thinking and caring species?

If God wanted to use evolution to cause humans to evolve from amoebas or from platypuses I see no reason why He could not. Of course God could also use evolution to advance the changes in one species while another species was the result of special creation. He might even mix the two and have special creation be responsible for some things and evolutionary forces be responsible for others. But the evidence seems to indicate that what did not happen is a slow and gradual process that was the result of mutations.

I can agree that some animals evolved to better survive their environment.
I can agree that the process seems to occur but I have yet to see any examples of any animals that did in fact evolve. The closest I can name is one in which two plants with a small number of genes mated to create a new plant with a large number of genes. hardly a slow and gradual process. Other than that all other examples are presumed (though quite strongly) from our observations, or are not actually examples of evolution, but merely of plasticity.

Many who promote evolution believe that the Earth and universe just magically occurred. And, that life just magically occurred on Earth.
Well, they would never use those words and since they would define magic as outside of the natural world and would say that life arose because of natural forces by definition it could not be magic. However, it is unscientific to make any claim that only natural forces have effect.