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He Signed the Cheeseburger Law so we cant sue McDonalds! You see CNN is right about the Republicans. The G.O.P Serves the VERY RICH! The Green Party stands for the Middle Class and Upper Class. Democrats is for the Poor. Republcans and Democrats dont like the idea see working class people to get Rich. Thats where courts and Lawyers come in. I rather sit in a courtroom in front of 12 stupid ass jury people to give me my Millions Instead lying in my casket in my funeral to make the owner of funeral home money.  Just like 15 years ago the Jury awarded this woman 4 million dollars from a hospital that put her on a MRI because she was complaning about headaches. So she was a psychic she could read minds and predict the future. But the MRI took her ability away then she could no longer read minds and predict the future. So she sued the Hospital for 4 Million and now shes rich. I developed type 2 Diabetes 6 years ago because of McDonalds. My lawyer told me i cant sue McDonalds because George W Bush signed the cheese burger act into law. And I cannot Sue my HMO because George H W Bush sign a law against suing your HMO 1991. I was hoping Obama would repeal the Cheese Burger law so i can sue my HMO & McDonald for 6 Million each.
