Nevada Supreme Court removes Green Party’s Jill Stein from ballot


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
anyone citizen who thinks the usa is a democracy is living in a fools paradise

"..In furtherance of this anti-democratic campaign, on September 6 the Nevada Supreme Court ordered Jill Stein and the Nevada Green Party removed from the ballot despite the fact that petitioners for the party had submitted some 29,500 signatures, nearly three times the required minimum..."

the compound noun is a plague of lawyers

comrade stalin
Stein on the ballot will not really change anything. There was zero chance she would get any electoral votes from Nevada.
Stein on the ballot will not really change anything. There was zero chance she would get any electoral votes from Nevada.
Why did the democrats pursue this so personally then?? They want all hands on deck and they want to force it because they know they can’t get it naturally because their potential voters are mad about Gaza. Those voters would’ve voted Green Party and maybe lost them a key state they need in order to win. I hope they don’t vote now. I hope they starve those mother fuckers of votes.
Why did the democrats pursue this so personally then?? They want all hands on deck and they want to force it because they know they can’t get it naturally because their potential voters are mad about Gaza. Those voters would’ve voted Green Party and maybe lost them a key state they need in order to win. I hope they don’t vote now. I hope they starve those mother fuckers of votes.
That's said nothing about Trump getting his trials delayed.

They didn't follow the rules and here's why. Read the fucking article.

None of judges on the Nevada Supreme Court claimed that all or a majority of the signatures collected by the Greens were invalid. Instead, the majority based their ruling on the fact that the Green Party did not circulate the correct circulator affidavit when collecting signatures; instead of using the circulator affidavit for “minor party ballot access,” the Greens used the circulator affidavit for “initiative and referendum petitions.”
Those voters would’ve voted Green Party and maybe lost them a key state they need in order to win. I hope they don’t vote now. I hope they starve those mother fuckers of votes.

So you want Trump to be elected because you cannot throw your vote away on a candidate who everyone knows has zero chance of being elected? You are very out of touch with reality.