My my how the queen cries when reality strike

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Poor thing so sad to bad reality has hit home.
She is right. Republicans worry about offices instead of governing typical republican foolishness
She is right. Republicans worry about offices instead of governing typical republican foolishness
Trump-hating Democrats wasted 3 years and tens of millions of dollars trying to make Hillary's fake Russian conspiracy theory grow legs in some leftist court in order to burn Trump for colluding with Russians, even though they know he did not do that.

And now the hypocrites cry foul because Republicans are finally setting matters aright in the House. Hillary was partly right, there are some Americans who can be described as demplorables.
Is that why when we were possibly have a government shut down democrats were naming a room after her.
Democrats will burn down buildings, set cop cars on fire with cops inside, loot and shoot, commit voter fraud, and pull fire alarms if necessary to get their wicked way.
Trump-hating Democrats wasted 3 years and tens of millions of dollars trying to make Hillary's fake Russian conspiracy theory grow legs in some leftist court in order to burn Trump for colluding with Russians, even though they know he did not do that.

And now the hypocrites cry foul because Republicans are finally setting matters aright in the House. Hillary was partly right, there are some Americans who can be described as demplorables.
blah blah blah
leftists blah blah blah

you're just a right wing word salad generator, spewing the same general nonsense over and over. lol
Democrats will burn down buildings, set cop cars on fire with cops inside, loot and shoot, commit voter fraud, and pull fire alarms if necessary to get their wicked way.

you have their voting records? no?
god hates when you lie
blah blah blah
leftists blah blah blah

you're just a right wing word salad generator, spewing the same general nonsense over and over. lol
Nope lug nut he is telling it pretty well like it is. I do not always agree with him mostly small things and I am sure he feel the same .
Democrats are like sheep
Nope lug nut he is telling it pretty well like it is. I do not always agree with him mostly small things and I am sure he feel the same .
Democrats are like sheep
All he does is whine with vague posts about Hillary and leftists lol

Speaking of sheep, Republicans still think the election was stolen even though they couldn't convince even Trump judges lol
All he does is whine with vague posts about Hillary and leftists lol

Speaking of sheep, Republicans still think the election was stolen even though they couldn't convince even Trump judges lol
The 2020 election was stolen from the legitimate majority of American voters by many voting fraud tricks such as using machines to secretly change votes, fake ballots to run up totals for crooked Democrats, illegal alien voters, vote harvesting, vote buying, multiple voting, ballot box stuffing, precinct workers illegally repeatedly re-running votes for Democrats through vote counting machines multiple times, and more.
The 2020 election was stolen from the legitimate majority of American voters by many voting fraud tricks such as using machines to secretly change votes, fake ballots to run up totals for crooked Democrats, illegal alien voters, vote harvesting, vote buying, multiple voting, ballot box stuffing, precinct workers illegally repeatedly re-running votes for Democrats through vote counting machines multiple times, and more.
You couldn't even convince Trump judges
How pathetic lol
You couldn't even convince Trump judges
How pathetic lol
I didn't try to convince 'Trump' judges of anything. Judges cannot tell us how many illegal votes were cast in 2020. Nobody can, and that is why Democrats stupidly think they are getting away with their election fraud.
I didn't try to convince 'Trump' judges of anything. Judges cannot tell us how many illegal votes were cast in 2020. Nobody can, and that is why Democrats stupidly think they are getting away with their election fraud.
The people you claim are correct tried and failed. Over 60 times in fact. Rarely if ever has your side been such lovers lol
The people you claim are correct tried and failed. Over 60 times in fact. Rarely if ever has your side been such lovers lol
If someone is trying to get a court to declare that massive fraud occurred or did not occur, then that someone does not understand the limitations of courts. Courts cannot disprove all the evidence of 2020 Democrat voting fraud.