My article in American Atheist

Congratulations on your conversion. I've found on other boards like this, that many athiests behave very similar to internet trolls. It's disturbing to find that so many of them seem uninterested in discussing other subjects that are more of a danger to their well being than the beliefs of a Christian or Jew.
I used to be a regular reader of American Atheist and so I had to read your article.

Congratulations on being published. I do wonder why AA decided to publish a piece from an author who is not an atheist and which in a few points does not support their theology?

Some of those things you mention in your article would make good threads here.
I used to be a regular reader of American Atheist and so I had to read your article.

Congratulations on being published. I do wonder why AA decided to publish a piece from an author who is not an atheist and which in a few points does not support their theology?

Some of those things you mention in your article would make good threads here.

hmmm they perhaps are trying to bring other views ? now isn't that refreshing !