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Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Putin can pretty much rule as he chooses.
Whether Trump can outsmart enough voters to be elected remains to be seen. So far, he has only managed to con enough Republican voters.
Yes, because he is always five moves ahead of B.
HRC has been spending 500k a day in tv ads to Trump's 0. And he's pulled 5 points ahead in Rasmussen.
HRC wanted to "reintroduce" herself to the citizens. Bad idea to remind people of her sordid past.
Yes, because he is always five moves ahead of B.
HRC has been spending 500k a day in tv ads to Trump's 0. And he's pulled 5 points ahead in Rasmussen.
HRC wanted to "reintroduce" herself to the citizens. Bad idea to remind people of her sordid past.
It depends on which polls you follow:

Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 9 points nationally

Clinton is outspending Trump because her campaign war chest has a lot more cash in it. Trump trumpeted that he was "funding his own campaign", but we've all seen that hasn't really happened.
IN January Clinton had a double digit lead over Clinton. That lead has shrunk since then. Some polls show her leading by 5 points while others give her 6 point lead. I expect that after the conventions once they start campaigning, Trump will not only catch up but also beat her in November. I have no love for the man but the Democrats screwed up and must pay the price . . .
IN January Clinton had a double digit lead over Clinton. That lead has shrunk since then. Some polls show her leading by 5 points while others give her 6 point lead. I expect that after the conventions once they start campaigning, Trump will not only catch up but also beat her in November. I have no love for the man but the Democrats screwed up and must pay the price . . .
The Republicans also screwed up, and now the country will pay the price.