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Is "Negro" a racial slur? I only ask because you and Popeye use that term all the time to describe black conservatives... You guys use racist terms, you support discrimination based on race, but noooo, you guys aren't racists. :rolleyes:

From Rush

Rush Limbaugh: Barack the Magic Negro - History and the Media Part 1


Rush Limbaugh: Barack the Magic Negro - History and the Media Part 2


Rush Limbaugh: Explaining Barack the Magic Negro


He plays the song in that last one, starts and stops the tape and explains line by line, how every reference has come from leftist media outlets and leftist personalities.

Song Lyrics:


Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.

The L.A. Times, they called him that

‘Cause he’s not authentic like me.

Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper

Said he makes guilty whites feel good

They’ll vote for him, and not for me

‘Cause he’s not from the hood.


See, real black men, like Snoop Dog,

Or me, or Farrakhan

Have talked the talk, and walked the walk.

Not come in late and won!



Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.

The L.A. Times, they called him that

‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically.


(repeat Refrain)


Some say Barack’s "articulate"

And bright and new and "clean"

The media sure loves this guy,

A white interloper’s dream!


But, when you vote for president,

Watch out, and don’t be fooled!

Don’t vote the Magic Negro in

‘Cause... (music stops, Sharpton rants, music returns)


(background vocalists repeat refrain & finish song)

Anyone who follows politics knows the song references are from statements made by the LA times, Time Magazine, Al Sharpton, Snoop Dogg, "Calypso" Louis Farrakhan and even Joe Biden, who all contributed with their comments about Obama. They made the "racist" statements, Rush and Shanklin just rubbed the racism from the Left back in their faces:

Left Obsessed with Obama's Blackness…

(Los Angeles Times: Obama the 'Magic Negro' - David Ehrenstein)

(Chicago Tribune: Report: Obama's kin owned slaves)

(UKDM: A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental

hopeful HASN'T said about his father...)

(LA Times: Redefining 'black' - Louis Chude-Sokei)

(LA Times: Occidental recalls 'Barry' Obama)

(LA Times: Is Obama the new 'black'?)

(NewsBusters: LATimes: Obama Not 'Black Enough'?)

(GMA Speculates on Obama & Race)

(TIME: Is Obama Black Enough?)

(NYDN: Obama: Growing up black, but African, too. He does not share our heritage)

(LA Times: Some wonder: Is Obama black enough?)

(KNS: Is Obama 'black enough' if his roots don't include slavery?)

(Salon: Colorblind. Barack Obama would be the great black hope in the next presidential race -- if he were actually black - Debra J. Dickerson)

It's the left that's the racists. It's the left that looks at people's skin color and doesn't see it for what it should be or what it is. They notice it. They're the ones that are racists out there. -- El Rushbo
