More congressional democrats are breaking away from the Biden administration's insane electric vehicle mandates

No one is banning gasoline powered vehicles anywhere. The government is promoting the sale of electric vehicles because the use of hydrocarbon fuels is adversely affecting the weather.

The Epoch Times is owned by the Falin Gong, a far right Chinese propaganda group.
No one is banning gasoline powered vehicles anywhere. The government is promoting the sale of electric vehicles because the use of hydrocarbon fuels is adversely affecting the weather.

The Epoch Times is owned by the Falin Gong, a far right Chinese propaganda group.
OK. Leftist US media companies are owned by far left Marxist enemies of American conservatism and Christianity.
OK. Leftist US media companies are owned by far left Marxist enemies of American conservatism and Christianity.
I do not see how Marxists are enemies of Christianity.
When Jesus distributed the famous loaves and fishes, he was following the principle of giving to those in need without recompense.

When Jesus assigned tasks to the disciples, he did so based on the talents he knew each possessed.

From each according to his abilities, and to each according to his needs. How is that not a Christian principle?
From each according to his abilities, and to each according to his needs. How is that not a Christian principle?
That is not Christian, it is a deceptive ideology used by communist tyrants to enslave people and make themselves rich from that brutal fascist mass enslavement of disarmed defenseless citizens.
Did he really. What an arse hole he was. Little wonder they killed the prick.

Where's all that compassion and love thy neighbour bullshyt?
Only when it suits the hypocrits ay?
At least Jesus did not say if your brother refuses to work you should rob your neighbor of his food to give to the bum who refuses to work.