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January 4-13, 2012
The Blue Arrow from Odessa fanatically slaughtered white African children for the sake of their parents’ bank accounts in 1994.
Ukrainian schizophrenics were more brutal than fascists from the German concentration camps
The rate of killings in Rwanda was fivefold the murder rate in the German concentration camps during the Second World War. One million people were killed within 100 days. Officially, the Hutu were fighting against the Tutsi. However, the inter-ethnic seed of discord was planted among the black population by the whites (the French, Belgians, Americans, Germans and.... Ukrainians!). Gangs of white Ukrainian mercenaries operated along with the teams of black rebels. This fact is not recorded, but there are people who swear they participated in the MASSACRE of both the black and the white populations of Rwanda. According to Ukrainian Yuriy Sinezhuk, at the age of 19 he was appointed senior officer of the unit formed in Ukraine and sent to Rwanda based on an agreement with France. Before each field operation, the soldiers were given drugs and psychotropic substances which turned them into cruel zombies capable only of killing and enjoying the view of bloodbath.
He's like a rocket aimed by radio.
An apocalyptic hero
Entering houses and chopping in white heat
Live people into ground meat of bones and shit.
PHOTO: Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary from Rwanda
His camouflage drips blood, not rain,
His boots are splashed with gray brain,
His dead eyes resemble shark milt,
Head full of names and addresses - no guilt.
Can you hear the footsteps at your door?
Can you feel a premonition of wild evil,
A sticky touch of anxiety on your throat?
Despair’s howling like a sick humming top,
You’re waiting and shivering, for what seems like a decade,
The minutes of failed hope drifting away...
[This poem by Yu. A. Sinezhuk has been published under a penname on the Internet. Obviously, the poem was written by a person who participated in the events, not as an external observer, but a direct executor killing the civilians in Rwanda. The poem is in Russian! It proves that Slavic mercenaries did operate together with the rebels. Did they represent Ukraine only, or should we believe Yuriy Sinezhuk who states that “there were loads of Russians there”!]
(The name ‘Blue Arrow’ is believed to have been given by Colonel Victor Yevgenyevich Bondar to his relative Yuriy Sinezhuk after a field operation in Rwanda because Sinezhuk appeared here and there on the bloody fields of AGONY bringing death with him, like an arrow catching its victim in the air, according to Sinezhuk).
Verse by Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary who participated in the ‘revolution’ in Rwanda. What is the object of his pride? His ability to kill quickly and comfortably. According to Sinezhuk, he was a soldier of Special Forces in Rwanda in charge of a unit of young soldiers approximately his age. Yes, officially Ukraine did not participate in the wars between the African countries. But this was only the official version. In fact, according to Sinezhuk, Ukraine has maintained a continuous supply of its soldiers to the hottest spots on the world map following the dissolution of the USSR.
I would like to mention some episodes from his stories about those times, as far as I can remember and reconstruct them based on his diary which he kept while serving a jail sentence in Russia in 2000-2006 for kidnapping and blackmailing. Yuriy Sinezhuk used to like keeping diaries describing his feelings and events as he felt his SPECIAL ROLE ON THIS EARTH. HE USED TO CALL HIMSELF A BLACK ANGEL.
PHOTO: Black Angel of Death – Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary from Rwanda.
According to Yuriy Sinezhuk, mercenaries for Rwanda were recruited all over Ukraine based on special characteristics. Not everyone was meant to go into the mincing machine which was about to be started in an African country of Rwanda based on the ORDERS of the French Government, namely, President Mitterrand. The order was received by Mitterrand’s ‘friend’, a mysterious ‘Dmitrich', head of the Organization which was created especially for such orders.
First of all, the soldiers had to come from single-parent families or orphanages. Orphans were less suitable, as they acquired a certain sense of self-preservation since the early age. Children of single mothers, like Yuriy Sinezhuk, were more suited as they usually grew up on the streets, had a suppressed psyche and resented the lack of a father-protector in the family, which made them prone to obey a strong individual. Those guys were reckless; they had grown up without love and hope. There was nobody to come to their defense as single mothers lack rights and protection in the society as well as strong relatives who could stick up for them. In general, fatherless children are perceived as inferior in this society, unofficially, of course. This is just the subconscious background of the public opinion. Many guys were recruited in juvenile prisons where they were held in custody for crimes they had committed. Their cases were withdrawn from the official documents, thus making such adolescents disappear, as they no longer were officially accounted for. The prisons where they were recruited were responsible for forging documents confirming the deaths of such children due to accidents or their shooting during escape. Yuriy Sinezhuk was personally recruited by Victor Bondar. I would like to reiterate that the recruits’ documents were withdrawn from police and prison files and were stored at special bunkers close to Odessa owned by the Organization. Sinezhuk would later mention that he wanted to buy his personal file from Bondar.
The teams of cast-offs being recruited, they were trained to survive in the sink-or-swim conditions. They were beaten, starved, made to dig trenches with their hands, ordered to run under the rain in dirt and cold. Victor Bondar’s favorite pastime involved ordering the trainees to put gas masks ‘on their mugs’ and to sing! While signing, they had to run along the drill ground. Major Bondar attended to it personally that everyone should sing. There were several cases when the guys did not survive the stress, especially in the summer heat. Their hearts failed and they died. Sinezhuk himself had witnessed two of such cases.
PHOTOS: 1. Rwanda, 1994 2. Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary from Rwanda.
Yuriy Sinezhuk was recruited by colonel, at that time major, Victor Yevgenyevich Bondar, a lover of Sinezhuk's mother, a poor woman employed as a bath attendant at a health resort in Saki. According to Yuriy Sinezhuk, there are two of Victor Yevgenyevich Bondars – the real person and his alter-idem. The latter became necessary after the field operations in Rwanda.
Fully enslaved and mentally disoriented trainees were involved in the following activities. They were ‘hooked’ onto computers and brainwashed. They were given drugs causing hallucinations. Using computers, they were taught to torture live people. Aggression and anger were encouraged. Humans were turned into beasts, as all the humane features were eliminated.
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The Blue Arrow from Odessa fanatically slaughtered white African children for the sake of their parents’ bank accounts in 1994.
Ukrainian schizophrenics were more brutal than fascists from the German concentration camps
The rate of killings in Rwanda was fivefold the murder rate in the German concentration camps during the Second World War. One million people were killed within 100 days. Officially, the Hutu were fighting against the Tutsi. However, the inter-ethnic seed of discord was planted among the black population by the whites (the French, Belgians, Americans, Germans and.... Ukrainians!). Gangs of white Ukrainian mercenaries operated along with the teams of black rebels. This fact is not recorded, but there are people who swear they participated in the MASSACRE of both the black and the white populations of Rwanda. According to Ukrainian Yuriy Sinezhuk, at the age of 19 he was appointed senior officer of the unit formed in Ukraine and sent to Rwanda based on an agreement with France. Before each field operation, the soldiers were given drugs and psychotropic substances which turned them into cruel zombies capable only of killing and enjoying the view of bloodbath.
He's like a rocket aimed by radio.
An apocalyptic hero
Entering houses and chopping in white heat
Live people into ground meat of bones and shit.

PHOTO: Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary from Rwanda
His camouflage drips blood, not rain,
His boots are splashed with gray brain,
His dead eyes resemble shark milt,
Head full of names and addresses - no guilt.
Can you hear the footsteps at your door?
Can you feel a premonition of wild evil,
A sticky touch of anxiety on your throat?
Despair’s howling like a sick humming top,
You’re waiting and shivering, for what seems like a decade,
The minutes of failed hope drifting away...
[This poem by Yu. A. Sinezhuk has been published under a penname on the Internet. Obviously, the poem was written by a person who participated in the events, not as an external observer, but a direct executor killing the civilians in Rwanda. The poem is in Russian! It proves that Slavic mercenaries did operate together with the rebels. Did they represent Ukraine only, or should we believe Yuriy Sinezhuk who states that “there were loads of Russians there”!]
(The name ‘Blue Arrow’ is believed to have been given by Colonel Victor Yevgenyevich Bondar to his relative Yuriy Sinezhuk after a field operation in Rwanda because Sinezhuk appeared here and there on the bloody fields of AGONY bringing death with him, like an arrow catching its victim in the air, according to Sinezhuk).
Verse by Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary who participated in the ‘revolution’ in Rwanda. What is the object of his pride? His ability to kill quickly and comfortably. According to Sinezhuk, he was a soldier of Special Forces in Rwanda in charge of a unit of young soldiers approximately his age. Yes, officially Ukraine did not participate in the wars between the African countries. But this was only the official version. In fact, according to Sinezhuk, Ukraine has maintained a continuous supply of its soldiers to the hottest spots on the world map following the dissolution of the USSR.
I would like to mention some episodes from his stories about those times, as far as I can remember and reconstruct them based on his diary which he kept while serving a jail sentence in Russia in 2000-2006 for kidnapping and blackmailing. Yuriy Sinezhuk used to like keeping diaries describing his feelings and events as he felt his SPECIAL ROLE ON THIS EARTH. HE USED TO CALL HIMSELF A BLACK ANGEL.

PHOTO: Black Angel of Death – Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary from Rwanda.

According to Yuriy Sinezhuk, mercenaries for Rwanda were recruited all over Ukraine based on special characteristics. Not everyone was meant to go into the mincing machine which was about to be started in an African country of Rwanda based on the ORDERS of the French Government, namely, President Mitterrand. The order was received by Mitterrand’s ‘friend’, a mysterious ‘Dmitrich', head of the Organization which was created especially for such orders.
First of all, the soldiers had to come from single-parent families or orphanages. Orphans were less suitable, as they acquired a certain sense of self-preservation since the early age. Children of single mothers, like Yuriy Sinezhuk, were more suited as they usually grew up on the streets, had a suppressed psyche and resented the lack of a father-protector in the family, which made them prone to obey a strong individual. Those guys were reckless; they had grown up without love and hope. There was nobody to come to their defense as single mothers lack rights and protection in the society as well as strong relatives who could stick up for them. In general, fatherless children are perceived as inferior in this society, unofficially, of course. This is just the subconscious background of the public opinion. Many guys were recruited in juvenile prisons where they were held in custody for crimes they had committed. Their cases were withdrawn from the official documents, thus making such adolescents disappear, as they no longer were officially accounted for. The prisons where they were recruited were responsible for forging documents confirming the deaths of such children due to accidents or their shooting during escape. Yuriy Sinezhuk was personally recruited by Victor Bondar. I would like to reiterate that the recruits’ documents were withdrawn from police and prison files and were stored at special bunkers close to Odessa owned by the Organization. Sinezhuk would later mention that he wanted to buy his personal file from Bondar.
The teams of cast-offs being recruited, they were trained to survive in the sink-or-swim conditions. They were beaten, starved, made to dig trenches with their hands, ordered to run under the rain in dirt and cold. Victor Bondar’s favorite pastime involved ordering the trainees to put gas masks ‘on their mugs’ and to sing! While signing, they had to run along the drill ground. Major Bondar attended to it personally that everyone should sing. There were several cases when the guys did not survive the stress, especially in the summer heat. Their hearts failed and they died. Sinezhuk himself had witnessed two of such cases.

PHOTOS: 1. Rwanda, 1994 2. Yuriy Sinezhuk, a mercenary from Rwanda.
Yuriy Sinezhuk was recruited by colonel, at that time major, Victor Yevgenyevich Bondar, a lover of Sinezhuk's mother, a poor woman employed as a bath attendant at a health resort in Saki. According to Yuriy Sinezhuk, there are two of Victor Yevgenyevich Bondars – the real person and his alter-idem. The latter became necessary after the field operations in Rwanda.
Fully enslaved and mentally disoriented trainees were involved in the following activities. They were ‘hooked’ onto computers and brainwashed. They were given drugs causing hallucinations. Using computers, they were taught to torture live people. Aggression and anger were encouraged. Humans were turned into beasts, as all the humane features were eliminated.
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