Media hypocrisy between hurricane Katrina and BP spill


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Now people are still complaining the clean up not being done enough. Now wheres the Media blaming Obama for this mess? Remember hurricane Katrina? Hmmm?? Now when New Orleans slowly recovering from hurricane Katrina the media continue blame George Bush not doing enough. And remember during Bush State of the union adress not one word was mention about hurricane Katrina and MSNBC,CNN,NBC and CBS said Bush forgoten about the Katrina disaster. But when Obama state of the Union adress not one word was mention about BP disaster and the media didnt even blab about it. People are still complaining about the mess BP did and the media ignores it. Fox did do a story last night no video on it And Wheres MSNBC,CNN,NBC and CBS reporting it? But Oh yeah this is what the liberal media was reporting on New Orleans recovery.

So Another left wing media hypocrisy? The reason media blames Bush on hurricane Katrina because hes an conservitive Republican. But the left winged liberal Media doesnt feel Obama cant do no wrong.