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Excellent post, and dead on target.

Technological prizes have often created advances - eg, when Charles Lindbergh was first to cross the Atlantic solo in an airplane - for which he won a $25,000 prize.   When McCain mentioned his idea about the batteries, which is a GREAT idea, the Obamabots called it a "gimmick".  This was a very revealing comment: government-oriented drones, who have no clue how the market works, instead want to shower money on special interests to do "research".  The same thing was done by Jimmy Carter, in a typical statist approach to solving problems, in the late 1970s - the results of hundreds of millions of dollars for "alternate energy" was predictable - absolutely nothing.  Only in the US, where people don't know US history, let alone world history, or EVEN recent US history, could the Obamabots get away with calling for the same approach that was such a spectacular failure 30 years ago,
