Maybe if he had not removed them in the first place like a *****

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes maybe it was a bad plan to remove Trump sanctions on Russia and Iran and to give Iran billions in dollars was a huge mistake that only a liberal ***** would make .

Odd how so many liberals are so well educated yet they are common sense MORONS

Yes maybe it was a bad plan to remove Trump sanctions on Russia and Iran and to give Iran billions in dollars was a huge mistake that only a liberal ***** would make .

Odd how so many liberals are so well educated yet they are common sense MORONS

i know, common sense republicans know the election was stolen.
i know, common sense republicans know the election was stolen.
LOL nope but at least they were smart enough to not remove sanctions on 2 nations they are the biggest threat to peace in the world. Expecially when one of them has vowed to destroy you.
But again your the type that that would kiss the ass of his enemy and try to appease them
LOL nope but at least they were smart enough to not remove sanctions on 2 nations they are the biggest threat to peace in the world. Expecially when one of them has vowed to destroy you.
But again your the type that that would kiss the ass of his enemy and try to appease them
You like the idea of kissing someone's ass apparently
Yes Joe has demonstrated his wisdom on dealing with Iran. Why he has not just removed sanctions but gave them billions and was parr of the Barry Obung hole rear end kissing campaign with Iran.
I guess the Obung hole years were just a warm up.