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Wrap my head around it?  You have been unable to make a single legal point on any criminal issue.  Aside from that, no, if a Democrat had done this you would not hear me saying anything.  I support American dominance, regardless of which party is at the helm. 

I do not think this is relevant to a foreign affairs or a security issue.  That said, I was not one of the ones screaming for Clinton's head. 

As has been pointed out, all the funds going to fund the wars in the Middle East do not even compare to the amount we are currently blowing on financial bailouts and stimulus plans. 

The financial sector bought bad paper and the global money structure collapsed because we invaded Iraq?  I do not think so.

No it would not.  You have presented no legal argument capable of an any actual conviction... therefore all you would see is "any other citizen" walking out of the courtroom with charges dropped.
