Look who's in favor of the public option!


Bill is a pretty bright guy. When I disagree with him, I typically STRONGLY disagree. Yet I respect his right to speak his mind.

This is why I think of him as a true Moderate. He is very Conservative on some issues, and very Liberal on others. In total, it blends him into that. I figure when Liberals condemn him and call him right wing, and Conservatives condemn him and call him left wing, he is dead on in his self-ascribed Moderate status.

One thing that struck me about the exchange: he was citing the same intellectual gymnastics so often attributed to the public when we were in that pesky little recession before we knew it was a recession. The media was telling us left and right how bad things were, how bad they were getting. Yet in poll after poll people said they weren't worried about their situation, but they were concerned about the guy down the street.

That was no way to develop budgets and policy. Neither is this. Identify the problem, find the solution. Quit throwing bags of garbage against the wall to see what sticks.

Bill is dead wrong on this one, even if I do respect him. Bill, you are, with all respect, WRONG. You cannot allow the Fed into this arena, on this scale, and expect an outcome that is going to benefit the country. Their job is perform a function for ALL the people, not just select groups. Period.
Of course, we already have a public option for some, just not for all. Seniors have a public option, as do veterans.

Are those bad ideas also?
The full interview.

You can clearly see in this interview that he is would support an exchange program done mostly through private insurance companies that compete across state lines. That is not the "public option" so to speak.