Look what's happening to the National Debt recently

I would very much like to see a graph of gasoline prices vs jobs created. I have no facts to back up my feeling, but I have a distinct feeling that when gasoline prices shoot up, it takes all the fluff out of the economy, and demand for other things falls off because we pay more to the speculators and looters.

I do not have such a chart readily available, I will look for one.
I would very much like to see a graph of gasoline prices vs jobs created. I have no facts to back up my feeling, but I have a distinct feeling that when gasoline prices shoot up, it takes all the fluff out of the economy, and demand for other things falls off because we pay more

Wouldn't surprise me at all. ANYTHING that drains extra money from the economy, can be expected to slow it down.

to the speculators and looters.
Remarkable. When government reduces the supply (banning drilling, requiring special fuel mixtures etc.) and the law of supply and demand responds accordingly, even the big-government advocates become upset. Inevitably, of course, they never blame their own policies, but only the people who respond to them.


Course, the actual decrease in the Natl Debt, is a tiny fraction of 1% of its total amount. But it hasn't gone up in two months!!!

How much of that is due to the govt stopping payments into various Federal pension funds, etc., that they intend to pay fully once the debt ceiling gets raised?

And the $64,000 question: Will Barack Obama now run for re-election in 2012, on the theme "I balanced the budget!" ?

Probably a sizable chunk; Treasury missed a large, semi-annual coupon payment to the Social Security trust fund a few weeks back. If it had made that payment, it would've been blown the debt limit.
Probably a sizable chunk; Treasury missed a large, semi-annual coupon payment to the Social Security trust fund a few weeks back. If it had made that payment, it would've been blown the debt limit.

If they are going to miss a payment to somebody it should not be to SS but to the Fed dept of education, etc.
And since this thread is about how the debt limit was reached a couple of month ago lets all remember that the Aug 2 deadline is not real at all. It is just a date that Geithner pulled out of a hat.

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